Frequently Asked Questions

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If a fabricated item is to be delivered to an external entity or is not University owned, the equipment is not subject to being tagged or inventoried. Salaries, supplies, and other costs incurred in fabrications should be left in their original expenditure object code, not transferred to the 06-XX object code by JV. These costs will incur the usual indirect costs for grants and contracts. Individual parts or equipment items that fall into this category and meet the standard definition of equipment should be coded 06

Fabrication JVs are an exception to this, though we hope to be able to process these through the Financial Desktop eventually. Currently, the Transactions application only allows for the transfer of existing expenditures. Fabrication JVs don't move existing expenditures, they create a second set of expenditure debits (05-XX, 01-XX, 03-XX, etc) and a 21-XX credit. Please see 'Note' under the Department's portion of the Procedure section of the Equipment Fabrication web page.

The easiest way to handle this is to add cost the 06-XX asset to the fabrication and not include it in the fabrication Journal Voucher (JV) request.

No. A fabrication is defined as one piece of equipment that is built (fabricated) because an existing piece of equipment with the desired functionality does not exist. The fabricated item should remain together for the lifetime of the asset. The entire cost of the fabricated asset is depreciated over its useful life and the costs incurred to build the asset are excluded from indirect cost.