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Grant and Contract Equipment

The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and the sponsoring agency negotiate to determine the ownership of equipment.

While submitting the closeout property report, Equipment Inventory (working with University research departments) asks the granting agency to vest title with the University. Note: Title never vests with an individual.

Please see the Post Award Fiscal Compliance page for further information.

Equipment Inventory prepares and submits all closing and annual reports. Occasionally, Equipment Inventory will contact the department for clarification and assistance.

No, you are not required to reallocate the cost of the equipment.  Most sponsors allow for equipment to be used by other Awards.  Federal regulations, in particular, allow for equipment to be used by other Awards without having to reallocate the cost or obtain sponsor approval (click here for more information).  For non-Federal Awards, review the Award requirements to determine if cost allocation is required.   Keep in mind that such cost allocations present both a high risk transaction (subject to audit) and a large administrative burden.  In most cases the cost of equipment does not need to be reallocated so ensure that there is a specific requirement to do so before reallocating the cost.  For more information click here