Extracting Assets from OASIS Prior to System Migration

OASIS user interface will migrate to the BI Portal on June 30, 2024


While data in OASIS has been static since Workday Finance went live in July 2023, the system has remained available for legacy reporting purposes. However, as planned, the system's user interface will migrate to the BI Portal, effective June 30, 2024.

We recommend extracting a list of your assets from OASIS prior to this migration. This will allow you to reconcile your OASIS asset list with the assets that were converted into Workday.

If you do not extract this list prior to June 30, 2024 you will still be able to access this data, but you will need to do so via the BI Portal. For more information, refer to Legacy Finance Data


As shared on May 2, 2024, the OASIS user interface will migrate to the BI Portal, effective June 30, 2024.

Expected Impacts

Impacts should be minimal as reports for accessing Asset Lookup and Closing Award Property data are currently under development. These reports are expected to be available in the BI Portal in June.

If you have access to this data in OASIS today, you will have access to the data in the BI Portal reports.

Recommended Action

Prior to the migration, extract a list of your assets from OASIS. Instructions for this are below.

If you have questions, please email us at eio@uw.edu with “OASIS System Retirement” in the subject line.


To extract assets from OASIS prior to migration:

  1. Log into OASIS (https://oasis.cac.washington.edu/)
  2. In the left column, click Catalogued Reports.

    A close-up of a document</p>
<p>Description automatically generated
    A list of available reports displays.

  3. Select Assets by ID Number Within Status, type A in the text box, confirm your email address displays in the Email Address field, and then click Submit Report Request.

    A screenshot of a report</p>
<p>Description automatically generated
    You will be emailed a list of your assets that were Active at the time of Workday conversion.

  1. Select Assets by ID Number Within Status, type P in the text box, confirm your email address displays in the Email Address field, and then click Submit Report Request.

    You will be emailed a list of your assets that were Pending at the time of Workday conversion.

  1. Select All Assets by Asset ID, confirm your email address displays in the Email Address field, and then click Submit Report Request.

    You will be emailed a list of all of your assets from the last six years, including deletions and T-status assets, neither of which were converted to Workday.

Updated June 17, 2024