It is ultimately the responsibility of the Principal Investigator (PI) when government or University equipment and/or non-capital property has been entrusted to him or her under a sponsored agreement, regardless if purchased or otherwise acquired, such as government furnished, to ensure the following requirements are met:

  1. Acquisition - Must follow grant/contract provisions for the acquisition of property whether through purchase from an outside vendor or transfer from government sources.
  1. Receipt - Must adequately process and record property as soon as it is received, affixing official UW bar code tag and, when appropriate, a yellow agency tag to the item(s).  Immediately notify the Equipment Inventory Office (EIO) of the receipt of government furnished property.
  1. Physical Inventory:
    1. Must physically locate each equipment item reflected on the inventories provided periodically by EIO and mark its status on the inventory.
    2. Must maintain an inventory of all government owned capital and non-capital property.
  1. Storage – Must insure property is properly safeguarded including special precautions for items containing data and equipment with a high-risk for theft
  1. Maintenance - Must provide and document the maintenance necessary to obtain a high quality of production and the most useful service life of the property.
  1. Utilization – Must ensure property is utilized as authorized in the contract or grant agreement.
  1. Movement – Must properly document both permanent and temporary relocation of property and secure proper authorization for off-campus use when applicable.
  1. Disposal - Must inform EIO and comply with grant/contract provisions when equipment and/or government furnished property is no longer required, regardless of the method of disposal.
    1. If government or agency owned or funded, must work with the EIO to obtain written disposition instructions from the sponsor.
    2. If surplus, must dispose of equipment, materials, and supplies, whether inventorial or not, through the established Surplus Property Department procedure.