
Proposed Fiscal Year 2019 Fringe Benefit Rates for Proposal Budgets

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12 years 2 months
Submitted by stonewil on

Proposed FY 2019 Payroll Load Rates (i.e., fringe benefit rates) have been published as of February 23rd on the Financial Reporting page.

Once the proposed rates are provided to Department of Health & Human Services Division of Cost Allocation (DHHS DCA) for approval, they are available as “preliminary” rates on the Institutional Facts & Rates page and within the SAGE Budget module.  

Announcement Type

The Annual Report and Research Fact Sheet are Available Online!

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12 years 2 months
Submitted by stonewil on

The Annual Report and Research Fact Sheet for Fiscal Year 2017 are available on our Research Stats & Rankings webpage. We now offer a dynamic PDF of the Annual Report for easier navigation.

Research Annual Report FY17 Highlights

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Upcoming changes to improve UW network security

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12 years 2 months
Submitted by stonewil on

You should have received an announcement from UWIT regarding UW network security. Please note that this security change may impact all persons who connect remotely to equipment in their laboratories, or who use remote file system connections, such as to a file server in the laboratory.

Announcement Type

ELII Salary Cap 2018

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12 years 2 months
Submitted by stonewil on

The Executive Level II salary limitation was increased from $187,000 to $189,600 effective January 2018.

While we highly recommend that Full Institutional Base Salary (IBS) be used when calculating the salary request in proposals, preparers may choose to use the new $189,600 rate for NIH salary cap.

In all cases, the individual’s IBS should be reflected in the proposal budget or budget justification section.

Announcement Type

Grant Tracker Updates

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12 years 2 months
Submitted by stonewil on

Greetings Colleagues,

GCA wanted to highlight some current updates in Grant Tracker and let you know about another release coming later in February.

  1. Notes and Attachments have been rearranged into a single section.

    You can expand or collapse all or individual items  to determine what you want visible.

    Attachments now correspond to the relevant note instead of being in two separate sections.

Announcement Type

Changes to Responsible Conduct of Research Webpages

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12 years 2 months
Submitted by stonewil on

The Responsible Conduct of Research webpages have undergone some improvements, specifically on the pages that describe RCR training instructions, and confirm completions for undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers.

Announcement Type

February 8th, 2018 MRAM Materials Published

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12 years 2 months
Submitted by stonewil on

Presentation materials for the February 8, 2018 meeting have been published on the MRAM website.

In response to the question on FY17 number of Unique Sponsors for Awards received:

Numbers for unique sponsors represent funding source sponsors, and does not represent originating sponsors.

We look forward to seeing you at the next MRAM March 15th!

Thank you,

Carol Rhodes


Office of Sponsored Programs

Announcement Type

REMINDER: Financial Conflict of Interest Office Hours

Member for

12 years 2 months
Submitted by stonewil on

Have questions about Significant Financial Interests (SFIs), Financial Conflicts of Interest (FCOIs) or Outside Work (Form 1460)?

Click here to schedule 30 minutes with the Assistant Vice Provost for Research Compliance during FCOI office hours – now through February 7th!

Full Doodle poll link:

Announcement Type