What if I want to close a sub budget?

If a sub budget and its parent have the same end date, it is GCA's practice to close both budgets to status 4 at the same time. We can, however, close a sub budget to status 3 at any time to prevent additional transactions from posting.

If you wish to close a sub budget completely more than six months before the parent budget's end date, please request closeout via Grant Tracker.

If a sub-budget was created for funds restricted for a specific purpose, any funds remaining in that sub-budget remain restricted for that purpose. When the sub budget is closed out, those funds will be restricted on the parent budget in 37-99.

Note: the Transpasu form is NOT required to close a sub budget and return its remaining balance to the parent. Use it if you wish to keep the sub budget open while transferring part of its funding back to its parent.

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