News from GCA: August Forum Q & A

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2023 3rd Quarter Forum Q&A

Next GCA Forum
 Date and Time TBA

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Recording and slides from past forums can be found here.



Q: What is the status of sponsor invoicing?

A: GCA has resumed sending out invoices as of this week, prioritizing final invoices. We have made a lot of progress and expect to send out cost reimbursable interim invoices in September.

Q: How is campus notified when a new award is set up and ready?

A: Both Workday and SAGE send out notifications when the award is fully processed.  We are working with SAGE and OSP to review notification content for potential improvements.

Q: Can I search by award number in Award Portal?

A: Yes!

Q: Are there any updates regarding the process for transferring salary prior to July 1st?

A: This is not a GCA function, however, we know that transferring any pre-July 1 charge is being discussed at the highest level.

Q: How do we add additional award tasks?

A: As mentioned during the GCA Update at the August 10 MRAM, GCA is only adding GCA’s award tasks in the system. We will revisit the possibility of adding departmental tasks at a later date.

Q: Will each year of funding get a new grant line?

A: It depends. Grants with automatic carryover (like NIH SNAP awards) can retain the same grant worktag number over multiple award periods. Grants without automatic carryover or with other restrictions may receive new grant worktags for each distinct award period.

Q: How can we tell in Workday if our Temporary Internal Extension or Advance request has been processed?

A: You can identify award lines in Advance status or Temporary Internal Extension (TIE) by their Award Line Lifecycle Status – Advance Spend for Advance budgets and Temporary Extension for TIEs.

Q: How are NIH SNAP awards changing?

A: In the legacy system, NIH SNAP awards were provisioned for the entire segment from the first award, and this will remain true for awards converted into Workday. In the current system, new NIH SNAP grant lines will only be provisioned for the budget period specified in the NOA. In cases where the subsequent year NOAs are slow to come in, the department should request a Temporary Internal Extension.

Q: Are sponsor payments up to date?

A: Almost! The Cash Team has applied most of the pending payments from July and early August. There is a population of payments that are missing an invoice or didn’t include what the payment is for.  If you have questions or information about a missing payment, please email the Cash Team at

Q: How do we notify GCA that an invoicing milestone has been reached?

A: Campus units can notify GCA that a milestone is complete and ready to invoice by logging into Workday to update the appropriate award task by adding the Completed On date and changing the status to Complete. This will alert GCA to issue an invoice. For instructions on how to update an award task, watch the Workday Grant Award Closeout Part 2 video at timestamp 20:00-21:14.

Q: What’s going on with subawards?

A: A workgroup comprised of Procurement Services, OSP, and GCA has been established to review the process from beginning to end so we can remove the roadblocks in the current process. We expect the process to improve soon.

Q: Can we have some job aids?

A: We are working on this! Many GCA processes were not defined before go-live, and are just now being finalized. We understand that it is a priority to provide these guides, and we will continue to post them to our website as they are completed.

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