10/04 Bonus MRAM Q&A Follow Up

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10/04 MRAM Q&A


Greetings Colleagues, 

The 10/04 MRAM materials are published for your review. Q&A from our session are included here for reference and will be available with the other meeting materials shortly. 

Within a week or so following every MRAM, an email like this one typically goes out with Q&A from the session and a link to the meeting materials.  


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Subaward Updates


Additional subaward resources: 

Please note, there were a handful of questions around invoicing and subawards that we are still working with Procurement Services on securing responses. In the meantime, if you have invoicing questions for Procurement Services, please email pcshelp@uw.edu. Please also note that OSP does not use UW Connect. We will share responses to any other Q&A not listed here as soon as we have them. 

Q1: I heard the process to get a brand new subaward in Workday may take until November for the award line and issuing the subaward. We've had one in the queue since mid-August.
A1: GCA is currently working through a backlog of requests in SAGE and are actively creating subaward award lines. Please send an Award Portal ticket to GCA to get a status update.

Q2: When the award lines are added for a subaward, why do they show a zero balance?
A2: For converted awards, we didn't have a way to identify amounts associated with the subawards since we did not have them separated in the legacy system. In current state, if the budget worksheet is coming through with an amount, we will allocate the funding to that subaward line when we set it up.

Q3: How do we request a new Award Line be added in Workday?
A3: It depends if it's coming with the ASR or as a MOD. Either way, the subaward will require it's own SAGE budget worksheet. Please review Training Resources shared during this MRAM.

Q4: When there is a subaward missing an award line, the correct process is to 1) submit a MOD and 2) email OSPSubs to let them know the MOD #?
A4: That is the correct process.

Q5: What action, if any, do we need to take if we have the award line for each subaward, but it says $0 for award line amount?
A5: At this time, no action is needed for a subaward award line with $0. GCA is trying to expedite these requests and may not be entering a dollar amount on the award line. GCA will communicate to MRAM if that changes.


Q6: Subaward SAGE budget - is there guidance available for how to create a Subaward budget? What does OSP/GCA need to see for a SAGE budget for adding a subaward?
A6: Please review Training Resources shared during this MRAM.

Q7: How do we know if something was converted without a PO vs. award is missing the subaward Award Line?
A7: Search for your SAGE Subaward numbers (e.g. SCxxxxx) in the Grant Name field in Award Portal or in the Workday search bar to find the Subaward Award Line for existing subawards.

Q8: How do I know if a Supplier Contract and/or a Purchase Order was created in Workday for my active subaward?
A8: Use the Workday Subaward Status Report (R1218) to find your subaward. The Supplier Contract (SPC) is listed in the first column. Scroll right to find the Purchase Order (PO) column. If the SPC and/or PO exists, they will be listed in these columns.

Q9: For new subawards, departments do not create the PO correct? This will be completed by procurement?
A9: Correct. The department does not create the PO. OSP will submit the PO request to Procurement.

Q10: Do you require a detailed sage budgets for subawards? 
A10: We don’t need a detailed SAGE Budget for outgoing subaward worksheets. Just the funds in 03-62 subaward category and the appropriate UW F&A.

Q11: How do we generate an SC# if the award was setup after go-live (7/1/23 onwards) and does not have any FA to put on subawards tab in SAGE? I have many new subawards for newly awarded grants and seems there is no way to create new contracts currently.Is there a workaround for instances where we need a new sub issued and there is no FA to select while we wait for the ORIS fix?
A11For new awards with no FAs, there is not currently a way to request the subaward through SAGE. ORIS is doing its best to enable this capability very soon. It is targeted for October release at this time, but work is still in progress.


Q12: I have heard conflicting information on whether or not the SAGE Subawards tab is in use, some say we are not using currently (GCA) but OSP Subs said they have been operating as normal with the SAGE Subaward tab.
A12: The OSP Subaward Team is still using the Subawards tab in SAGE. The GCA individual was probably referring to the fact that SPAERC is not being used for Award Setup Requests and Modifications (majority of GCA’s work). So, if you are requesting a new subaward or changes to the subaward agreement you still use the SAGE Subawards Module (tab). For the changes to the Prime Award and requesting award lines for subawards, you will use SAGE Award Modifications.

Q13: If subawards (that did not convert properly) already submitted their invoice but a new PO# is being created for them, do they need to re-send invoice with the new PO#, or can these still be processed?
A13: The subrecipient needs to resubmit the invoice with the correct PO#. Please be sure to include the "BPO" with the numbers for converted POs, or "PO-" with the numbers for newly created Workday POs.

Q14: Is OSP also doing a review to identify subawards that were converted without a PO or PO conversion errors, or are they solely relying on departments to let them know about issues?
A14: The OSP Subawards team is relying on the department to let us know if a new PO or corrections to the converted PO are needed.

Q15: Is the correct process for a modifications to a subaward to add funding and extend no longer use SAGE Subaward Requests, but instead use a MOD?
A15: No. The subaward modifications are still requested using the SAGE Subaward Module. A MOD is for an award modification related to UW's prime award.


Q16: We just use SAGE Subaward Requests for NEW subawards?
A16: No. You use the SAGE Subaward module to request a new subaward or a modification to an existing subaward. However, you do not use the Subaward Request to request a new award line for a subaward. Award Lines are handled in the ASR and/or Award MOD.

Q17: I would like to request that we be enabled to enter the subrecipient’s TC in the Subaward Worksheet (e.g., prior state 03-62). Clarification: 03-62 Subawards or equivalent is not an option in the Subaward Worksheet.
A17: A separate subaward worksheet in SAGE Budget is required (as opposed to 03-62 entry on the primary worksheet) since Workday needs that separate award line setup. Within a subaward worksheet, you can enter a single lump sum amount in Unallocated for their total direct costs. It is advised to continue to enter the subrecipient F&A as well in the worksheet.

Q18: I see the award line in Workday when searching the award but it does not show up in subaward status when I search by award.
A18: There is a process where Procurement needs to create the supplier contract and GCA has to go back and link it to the award line. If that has not happened yet, it may not show. Please send in an Award Portal ticket.

Q19: Per the earlier discussion I understood that we need to have an active award line in order to add New Subaward that wasn't included in the original proposal. So the Award Line needs to be active before the MOD is issued. Did I hear this incorrectly?
A19: Yes. You must have an active award line in place for each subaward before submitting a subaward request or subaward modification request in SAGE. If one was not created as part of the conversion process or during the Award Setup Request process, you will need to request a new award line using an Award Modification Request (MOD) before submitting the request in the SAGE subaward module.


Q20: If there are not individual Award Lines for the subaward(s) we will need to submit an Award Modification Request to GCA and provide a budget worksheet for each subaward budget. Is that correct? 
A20: That is correct. Please ensure that you have an Award Line in place for your subawards prior to submitting requests to the OSP Subaward team. The Award Modification process you describe is correct.

Q21: If subaward reverted to previous year BPO, do we send an email to ospsubs to update balance?
A21: Yes. Please email ospsubs@uw.edu and include:

  • Subject: PO Conversion Error
  • UWSC#
  • Workday PO Number
  • PO Start and End date
  • Advance Payment - Yes or No
  • Main PO Amount (less Advance, if applicable)
  • Advance Amount
  • PO Grand Total
  • Campus point of contact




Award Setup Requests & Modification Requests Updates


Q1: I received a notice that my MOD to set up an award line has been processed - I see it in Award Portal but not in Workday. What is the timeline for getting it into Workday?

A1: There should not be a discrepancy between Workday and Award Portal and would actually need to show up in Workday before it shows up in Award Portal (shows up 1 day later). If you are seeing an issue, please send an Award Portal ticket for GCA to review.

Q2: Is the award search function now available in SAGE when we're trying to create a new internal sub-budget?
A2: This will require a SAGE budget worksheet and a GCA only Modification request. Please review guidance on GCA's website for how to submit.

Q3: When will be able to create a MOD on a New ASR, once processed by GCA?
A3: ORIS is working on getting the new awards to sync over to SAGE for use in Modification setup. If you do not see your award in the Create Modification search, you can send a request to sagehelp@uw.edu and request that it be added to SAGE, in the meantime. We hope to get the auto-syncing updated soon, as an October target.

Q4: What is the best practice for revising SAGE budgets (to build out separate subaward worksheets, for example) created before 7/1/23, approved by OSP, that are now moving towards Awarded status and need an ASR - since an approved eGC1 has an uneditable SAGE budget
A4: Best practice is to copy the SAGE Budget that is connected to the eGC1 and revise it so it can be connected to the ASR. Please note that SAGE Budgets that are connected to eGC1s cannot be connected to ASRs.

Q5: I'm finding that the  fully-executed (FE) awards and other info that usually resides in SAGE are not getting uploaded in SAGE or sent to the sponsor. Is it the Department's responsibility to send the FE awards to the sponsor once signed?
A5: OSP is uploading fully-executed (FE) agreements and other documentation, such as correspondence with the sponsor, to the ASR or MOD. They are no longer viewable via the eGC1, but you can see those documents by opening the specific ASR or MOD in SAGE. OSP still sends fully-executed documents tot he sponsor via email or other electronic method. 


Q6: This is a big gap in the process. If the PI is notified of awards and not the grants staff, we are often not getting these notices.
A6: We understand that this is a new process. Please make sure PIs know to forward the notice of award to you or to set up the ASR in these situations. When the PI or campus unit receives an award, whether or not OSP is included, the PI/campus unit should create the Award Setup Request or MOD.

OSP only creates an ASR or MOD when they retrieve an Award from a sponsor system or if OSP is the only recipient of the notice of award.

Q7: Grant Hierarchy does not “transfer”: to budget snapshot. Is grant hierarchy actually needed?
A7: Yes, the Grant Hierarchy is a required field in Workday. On new ASRs you will see a validation preventing submission, if missing. For older ASRs or for MODs budgets where it is missing, GCA will return the request to you to add it.


Q8: I have a supplement that extends the end date for an existing award. For the MOD, do I need to include an extension request form or is that only for No-Cost Extensions and Temporary Internal Extensions?
A8: The extension form is for NCEs and temporary internal extensions. It does not need to be completed for supplement/extensions.

Q9: Can we please add the PI to the filter list in the award/mod set ups? Sifting through the list is daunting, the longer it gets. It may seem like a small request, but would make a big difference in time management.
A9: Thank you. Yes, this is something SAGE is prioritizing to update.

Q10: Who do we list as PI when we are setting up budget for an outgoing subaward?
A10: The subaward worksheet will automatically assign the Primary PI to the grant for a subaward line in Workday.

Q11: Has the Base 33 been added as an F&A selection in the budget? It's frustrating to have a Mod sent back because this was used as the base when there is no selection for that base.
A11: Base 33 (Total Direct Costs less tuition) is not a specific option in SAGE Budget but you can select "Custom" and identify the object code that is exempt from F&A. SAGE Office Hours are a good place to bring questions like this to see how to accomplish this in SAGE.

Q12: Can you tell us the process for attaching a "snapshot"?
A12: Please review the job aids for:


Q13: SAGE Budget still presents prior state sub-object codes for expense categories. Will this be converting into current state and when?
A13 :SAGE has plans to update SAGE Budget to use Workday object classes and spend categories. This will not be until next year however, given other competing priorities .

Q14: How do we set up an out-year SAGE budget with a subcontract to not count the first $25K toward F&A calculations? I've been doing a Custom F&A setting, but GCA keeps returning my tickets saying I have selected the wrong F&A base type
A14: Great question to bring to a SAGE Office Hours so we can walk through this. You should be able to enter $0 into the subaward worksheet for the periods where the subaward is not active, and then no F&A would be charged for those periods.The $25k threshold would kick in for the first period where amounts are entered. SAGE Office Hours

Q15: Will these features ever be added to SAGE Budget? 1) Participant Support Costs spend category under other costs, 2) ability to download a spreadsheet with formulas built in?
A15: 1) Participant Support Costs will not be added as a spend category. These costs require a separate Award Line in Workday, therefore you need to create a separate SAGE Budget worksheet for Participant Support Costs.
2) There are no plans to allow formulas to be exported from SAGE Budget. It is technically very difficult to achieve and the exports are not intended to be manipulated with new entry.

Q16: How do we create SAGE budget with overlapping POP, not linear year by year period?
A16: Unfortunately, it is not possible to create SAGE budget with overlapping POP at this time. The recommendation in these cases is to create a single period for the full duration needed, to allow you that flexible entry. If individual award lines require alternate start/end dates within the period, please add a comment for GCA to update as manual entry in Workday.


Q17: Can we get a full review before GCA returns ASRs and Mods? It is disheartening to have them returned multiple times for different requests. If we are told *everything* we need to do, we can be set up for success at the first return.
A17: We understand that receiving the same item back more than once can be frustrating. GCA has been working on ASR/MOD process to reduce the likelihood of sending an item back multiple times so we hope to see a decrease over the next several weeks.

Q18: Is an administrative supplement considered an ASR or MOD?
A18: The administrative supplement funding is processed on a MOD under an existing award. 

Q19: When can we start adding PI name or project name to ASRs and MODs? It’s really hard to find things by MOD or ASR number.
A19: SAGE has plans to enhance the Award Request List to display more data, allow additional filter options, and sort results so that you can manage your work load more efficiently.

Q20: For SAGE Award module and MODs/ASRs - will there be a way to "sort" or see who entered the MOD/ASR on landing page? A way to see the PI easily? Filter to see only my MODs/ASRs
A20: Yes, SAGE has plans to enhance the Award Request List to display more data, allow additional filter options, and sort results so that you can manage your work load more efficiently.

Q21: Why can't I export my list of Award Requests? Or alternately, allow cutting and pasting into excel?
A21: Thank you, ORIS has noted this request.


Q22: I’d like to renew my request for an ASTRA role that will enable departmental leadership and shared environment staff to be able to see/search all SAGE ASRs and Mods for the cost centers they oversee/serve.
A22: To meet this need, in the near term, SAGE will look to implement search and filtering so that any SAGE user will see the full and accurate results of their search in the request list. However, item level permissions will determine who can open the item. Longer term we may open it up further for all sage user viewing of any award items.

Q23: The way MODs and ASRs appear in the AWARDs tab of SAGE is untenable for campus/departments. Filtering by status is not helpful to us when we have 50+ in "routing" status, for example. Most of us manage pre- and post- award for multiple PIs. Plus the AWARD tab is super slow/laggy. Is there a way to make 1) all MODs and ASRs visible by default in one screen instead of ten items per page or 50 items per page? 2) the name of the PI (or short title from eGC1) front and center. This is way more useful to us for at-a-glance navigating than the columns we currently can see (like date and OSP indiv. assigned, etc).
A23: SAGE has plans to enhance the Award Request List to display more data, allow additional filter options, and sort results so that you can manage your work load more efficiently. We are also investigating the ability to see more items per page for everyone without impacting performance.

Q24: For ASRs or MODs that were already submitted over 1.5 months ago, there were add-on yellow validations added recently but there were no notifications from system to preparer to update. And, when updated yellow validation in linked SAGE budget tool, the yellow validation notice still shows in the ASR module. When does it actually sync/update?
A24: Validation messages in SAGE should disappear once the missing information is added to the ASR. Please contact SAGE Help for additional help.


Q24: SAGE Budget snapshots are not working. They don’t capture grant hierarchy, even when we enter hierarchy.
A24: Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Please contact SAGE Help so that we can evaluate and fix any issues.

Q25: Should we rename the Primary SAGE Budget Worksheet?
A25: GCA advises renaming the primary worksheet to reflect the name you would like on the associated Grant Worktag in Workday. SAGE sends worksheet names to Workday grant worktags as part of the integration.




Training Resources


SAGE Office Hours, SAGE Job Aids & Upcoming Courses

Award Setup Request Resources

Tips for Success - Award Setup & Modification Requests
SAGE Awards: Setup. Tracking & Modifications eLearning

Award Modification Resources




Thank you,




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