Transfers In

Transfer In is when an equipment item is brought into the University or department from another university, agency, or another University department. Equipment transferred in is treated as equipment if it meets the equipment definition. University departments must approximate the fair market value of equipment transferred in at the time of receipt. Equipment that has an estimated fair market value of $5,000 or more, with a life expectancy of more than one year, must be tagged and inventoried.


  • Upon receipt of equipment tranferred in, department determines the value of the equipment.
  • If equipment is transferred in from another university or agency, the property must be accompanied by signed paperwork from the transferring agency and: 
    • If University owned equipment:  Cost is defined as the fair market value at the time of receipt.
    • If Federally owned equipment:  Cost is defined as the original acquisition cost that appears on the transfer document.
  • If equipment is transferred in from another University of Washington department, the department that has original custody of the equipment must:
    • Complete a Property Activity Request - Form 1024 including the new department's budget or organization code, and send it to the Equipment Inventory Office.
    • If the item has been reassigned and the funding budget is to be reimbursed, the department that is purchasing the item from another internal department should complete and submit a Journal Voucher (JV) to to move the funds. State budgets must be used in this transaction to ensure that the federal government is not charged twice. 

      Note:  Equipment sales between departments cannot be processed on an ISD or CTI or any other method than that outlined above.

      • Include in the distribution as well as all relevant departmental contacts on both sides of the transaction.
      • Include the equipment tag # of the equipment you are selling in the "Detailed explanation" section.
      • Use the same object code that the equipment was purchased with unless it was purchased using the M&E Tax Exempt program.  If it was, then use the most appropriate non-M&E object code.
      • If not already tagged, the department tags asset and enters it into OASIS as a "T" status asset.  Please see this page for details on the tagging process. The Requisition Number entered should be '000000'. The Acquisition Method should be 'TI'  for Transfer In.
  • Department sends the transfer paperwork from the originating institution, along with the tag number assigned, to the Equipment Inventory Office.
  • Equipment Inventory:
    • Reviews the transfer paperwork.  If necessary, it will be signed by the Property Manager and returned to the originating institution for verification of receipt.
    • Reviews the OASIS entry for complete information.
    • Approves the asset.


Transfer paperwork from transferring agency for transfers from outside the University.


Last updated 02 October 2023