How do I update the fields in the PDF file?

You will first need to save your PDF to a computer or server to make annotations to it. To do this:

  1. right click on the attachment
  2. select ‘save as’
  3. choose a location
  4. click ‘save’

To Edit Your PDF Using Acrobat Reader:

  • You will need to use the ‘Add Text’ function:
  1. In the upper right hand corner, select the ‘Sign’ tab.
  2. Select ‘I Need To Sign.’
  3. Select ‘Add Text’ (next to the ‘T’); if you use this mode, you will not need to create an Adobe ID.
  4. Next to the font box is a ‘T’ with a little color box next to it; please click on that. A dropdown menu should appear, allowing you to change the color of the font. Please select red, or some other color that is dark enough to read easily but different enough from black that your marks will be easily found.
  • If information needs updating (custodian, location, tag number), please do the following:
  1. Select the ‘Highlight Text’ tool (the highlighter);
  2. Double click on the text you wish to change;
  3. On the ‘Sign’ panel, select the ‘T’ for Add Text;
  4. Write the correct information
  • Note: If there is a lot of text to add to an asset, you may also use the Sticky Note tool – again, highlight the text you wish to change, then select the Sticky Note tool from the tool bar (the yellow speech balloon); a pop up text box will appear, and you can enter text in there without typing all over the document

To Edit Your PDF Using Acrobat Pro:

You can use the same three tools as described above; the only difference will be how you access them.

  • You will need to use the ‘Add Text’ function. In the upper right hand corner, click on the tab that says ‘Comment.’
  1. There are several options; click on the plain ‘T.’
  2. You should see a box that says, ‘Add Text Comment.’ Place your pointer somewhere on the document, and click; your cursor should appear. Doing this allows you to format the text you use on your pdf.
  3. Next to the font box is a ‘T’ with a little color box next to it; please click on that. A dropdown menu should appear, allowing you to change the color of the font. Please select red, or some other color that is dark enough to read easily but different enough from black that your marks will be easily found.
  • If information needs updating (custodian, location, tag number), please do the following:
  1. Select the ‘Highlight Text’ tool (the highlighter);
  2. Double click on the text you wish to change;
  3. On the ‘Sign’ panel, select the ‘T’ for Add Text;
  4. Write the correct information
  • Note: If there is a lot of text to add to an asset, you may also use the Sticky Note tool – again, highlight the text you wish to change, then select the Sticky Note tool from the tool bar (the yellow speech balloon); a pop up text box will appear, and you can enter text in there without typing all over the document

Acrobat Pro has more functionality; if you wish to take advantage of other options under the Annotations’ menu, you can do the following:

  • The ‘T’ with the red line through it can be used to strike through incorrect/out of date information. To use this, just click on the strikethrough ‘T’, and then with your mouse highlight the word/number you wish to eliminate.
  • There is a rubber stamp in the ‘Annotations’ box. One of the stamps in there is a check mark. You can use that stamp to indicate an asset has been located, instead of typing an ‘X.’


Here is the link to a how-to video showing you all the steps above.

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