How do you import the .csv file into Excel? How do you merge Excel files?

You will need to save your .csv file onto a computer or server to format it. Double click to open; select ‘save as,’ name the file (we recommend using the org code as the name), select as ‘Save as type:’ ‘Excel Workbook’ (file extension ‘.xls’), and then click the ‘Save’ button.

To Format your Excel Spreadsheet:

  1. Click on it to open.
  2. Then at the upper left hand corner between the 1 and A column, put your curser and click; this will turn the entire sheet gray.
  3. While your sheet is gray, double click on the line in between columns A and B.  This will expand your information to full view.   At this point save this file to your desktop.
  4. After saving you are ready to format and sort. If for example, you want to sort by custodian, highlight the custodian data by clicking on the letter above its column, then right click with you mouse and chose ‘format cells,’ then ‘text’ and click ‘OK.’
  5. Next highlight your data again, and at the top of your excel menu on the right side, second to last, you will see ‘AZ sort and filter;’ click on this with your data field highlighted, and click ‘A to Z’ to sort by custodian.
  6. You would repeat the above to sort by room / building.

To combine the contents of multiple spreadsheets, highlight and copy the contents of one sheet, and then paste them into the other one.

Here is the link to a how-to video showing you the various steps involved.

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