
July Meeting Q&A

Member for

12 years 2 months
Submitted by stonewil on

We've included Q&A from the July MRAM as well as some additional resource links. 

Department of Defense Cybersecurity Maturity Measure Certification (DoD CMMC)

Q: Do we anticipate these cybersecurity measures will trickle down to current awards, or only to new awards?
A: We expect the DoD CMMC requirement will only apply to new contracts. However, it is possible it will be integrated into a current DOD contract, by modification, should the Contracting Officer identify that CUI is involved.

Announcement Type

Guidance on changes to flexibilities for federal research awards during COVID-19

Member for

12 years 2 months
Submitted by stonewil on

The federal government has exhibited flexibility in some aspects of its management of research funding to universities during COVID-19, including extending deadlines for submission of applications, rebudgeting award funds for COVID-19 response-related activities and paying salaries from federal award funds to grant personnel who were unable to carry out research work due to the pandemic.

Announcement Type

Subaward Certification Forms Updated - Use the correct forms!

Member for

12 years 2 months
Submitted by stonewil on

Periodically, we update our subaward certification forms. The latest subaward certification forms are always available on our website.

To ensure the most current version of the forms are used, we urge you to download them directly from the site instead of saving a local copy to reuse later. 

We've included links and basic information about these forms for your convenience. 

Subaward Project Certification

Announcement Type

Sponsored Programs SAM Renewal Week of July 6th

Member for

5 years 8 months
Submitted by mdavis25 on

Greetings Colleagues,

Some of you may see notices from our federal sponsors that our System for Awards Management (SAM) registration expires on 7.31.2020.  Please note that OSP will be renewing our SAM registration the week of July 6th.  

Thank you, 
The Office of Sponsored Programs

Announcement Type

Changes coming to Faculty Grants Management Required Training for Investigators

Member for

5 years 8 months
Submitted by mdavis25 on

This email is to inform you about two upcoming changes to the Faculty Grants Management training. These changes are based on feedback from our evaluations and constituents, as part of our continuing efforts to enhance support of research administration at UW.

First, we are changing the name of the session to “Grants Management for Investigators” to reflect the fact that not all investigators are faculty.

Announcement Type

Fiscal Year 2021 Fringe Benefit Rate Updates: Budget Projections & Preparing Proposal Budgets

Member for

5 years 8 months
Submitted by mdavis25 on

Final Fiscal Year 2021 fringe benefit rate calculations and publication of new rates will be delayed.

Management Accounting and Analysis (MAA) has committed to submitting the rates in time for the first payroll cycle of FY21.

We will send an update the week of July 6.

Thank you,
Office of Sponsored Programs and Office of Planning and Budget

Announcement Type

NIH & NSF Adopt Flexibility from OMB Memo M 20-26

Member for

5 years 8 months
Submitted by mdavis25 on

NIH and NSF have coordinated on their implementation of the flexibilities from OMB Memo M-20-26. This memo gives agencies the authority to extend certain flexibilities to award recipients affected by COVID-19. 

Please refer to the PAFC COVID website for more information on the OMB Memos.

Announcement Type