
NIH: Reporting Preprints & Other Interim Research Products

Member for

12 years 2 months
Submitted by stonewil on

NIH NOT-OD-17-050 provides definitions, guidance and reporting instructions for investigators on citing their interim research products (such as preprints), including how to claim them as products of NIH funding in applications, proposals and reports.

Key points:

Announcement Type

NSF Collaborators & Other Affiliations Spreadsheet Template Requirement

Member for

12 years 2 months
Submitted by stonewil on

Effective 4/24/2017, NSF will require Collaborators and Other Affiliation (COA) information be submitted in FastLane using their new COA Information spreadsheet template pilot.

The FastLane Collaborators and Other Affiliations screens will link to the new template and instructions on the NSF Policy Office webpage.

Announcement Type

NIH: Continuing Resolution and Interim Guidance on Salary Cap

Member for

12 years 2 months
Submitted by nclark14 on

Greetings Colleagues,

Please see these current NIH notices that may impact your grants.

NIH: Continuing Resolutions
NOT 17-048

NIH is operating under a Continuing Resolution through April 28, 2017. This CR continues government operations at 99.8099 percent of FY 2016 level.

Announcement Type

RFP – UW Cannabis Research

Member for

12 years 2 months
Submitted by nclark14 on

Dear Colleagues,

Please forward the attached Request for Proposals (RFP) for cannabis research at UW to interested researchers in your Schools and Colleges and Departments. This RFP is being issued by the UW Center for Cannabis Research in conjunction with the UW Office of Research. Awards of up to $250,000 each will be made, contingent upon the Washington state legislature allocating funds to the UW from marijuana retail sales tax revenues.

Announcement Type

Federal News & Updates Will Be Published on OSP Website

Member for

8 years 2 months
Submitted by f2ux2 on

Greetings Colleagues,

Many of you are  aware of actions being taken within the U.S. executive branch that are affecting funding or regulations.

Instead of sending individual MRAM email announcements, we will be publishing these updates impacting sponsored programs directly to the OSP announcements.  Stay tuned to those announcements for more information.

Announcement Type

Financial Management announces the new Post Award Fiscal Compliance Webpage

Member for

12 years 2 months
Submitted by nclark14 on

The Office of Financial Management is pleased to announce the launch of the new Post Award Fiscal Compliance webpage! Our goal in developing this page was to provide campus with a tool to easily find information and resources within the complex world of post award fiscal compliance. Through a simple navigation, users can easily find information on:

Announcement Type