
SAGE Workday Updates

Member for

12 years 2 months
Submitted by stonewil on

In preparation for the UW’s switch to Workday on June 27, SAGE salary and payroll data was “frozen” on June 19th. New eGC1s created between June 19 and July 6 will display the “frozen” or “stale” data.

Once the SAGE release is complete on the evening of July 6, it will reflect the new Workday salary and payroll data.

Timeline Overview

  • June 19 - Salary and payroll data “frozen”
  • July 5 - NIH deadline
  • July 6 - Evening SAGE Release with updated Workday data

What’s Affected in SAGE

Announcement Type

Sponsored Programs Funded Under State Contracts

Member for

12 years 2 months
Submitted by nclark14 on

This message is intended to specifically address sponsored programs funded under state contracts.

The WA state legislature has not yet passed an operating budget for the next fiscal biennium. State agencies are prohibited from expending or committing funds in the absence of appropriations of such funds.

Several sponsored programs and projects are funded by state agencies, such as DOH, DHHS, and others. As required per the terms of these contracts, the sponsoring state agency must notify the contractor (UW) of suspension or early termination.

Announcement Type

NIH: Next Generation Research Initiative Replaces Grant Support Index

Member for

12 years 2 months
Submitted by nclark14 on

Many of you have been paying close attention to NIH efforts to increase funding for Early Stage and Mid-Career Investigators.

Their initial plan, the Grant Support Index (GSI) met with overwhelming concerns on the methodology for research impact assessment as well as the potential to discourage research networks, team science, complex trials, and the support of infrastructure and training that could result from a GSI-based cap on total support.

As a result, NIH is proposing a new plan, the Next Generation Researchers Initiative. This new approach plans to:

Announcement Type

Federal Government Shutdown Averted for One More Week

Member for

12 years 2 months
Submitted by nclark14 on

Greetings Colleagues,

The House has just passed bill for a one-week extension of the continuing resolution that will keep  the government open and funded through May 5th.

This temporary measure now moves onto the Senate where it is expected to be approved.

The federal government will use this next week to work on a budget to fund government operations through September.

We'll keep you posted as we learn more.

Thank you,
Carol Rhodes
Office of Sponsored Programs

Announcement Type