Frequently Asked Questions

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Fixed Price Surplus

A Fixed Price budget is one that represents an agreement made with a sponsor to perform service at a firm price, without the ability to adjust that price for actual increased costs in performing said service. The firm price is usually based on a per test, or per deliverable, service. The University retains the unexpended balance of fully paid Fixed Price budgets.

The unexpended balance is transferred to a Fixed Price Surplus budget that has been established by a department in order to receive those unexpended balances from their respective Fixed Price budgets. The Fixed Price Surplus budget may be used to offset deficits in any grant or contract. For further information see Fixed Price Surplus budgets 

There is no set limit, but we recommend having three Fixed Price Surplus budgets (if needed) -- one surplus budget to correspond with on-campus fixed price activity, one for off-campus activity, and one for clinical trial surplus or another special rate.  For further information, go to Fixed Price Surplus.


Gift Processing in University Advancement sets up gift budgets and processes all gifts to the University. Details are available on their website--

Grant Tracker

Grant Tracker is a website accessing a database containing information on all GCA budgets. It is designed to reduce the amount of time to close budgets, provide information in a timely manner, and decrease the number of requests for information to and from GCA.

Features include:

  • View all GCA budgets
  • Access parent and sub budget information
  • View invoices and reports
  • Submit requests and attachments to  GCA
  • Get up-to-date status on outstanding requests
  • View request/attachment history
  • Submit Transpasu requests for new sub budgets
  • Transfer deficit balances
  • Provide up-to-date campus contacts to receive GCA messages



If the sponsor contacts the department for backup detail on a particular invoice (e.g. receipt copies for travel or equipment expenditures), the department may respond to them directly. Otherwise, please forward the communication to

GCA cannot issue invoices on a budget in advance status because we do not yet have a fully executed agreement between UW and the sponsor confirming the terms of the agreement. However, in rare cases we can make an exception if the sponsor themselves request it, e.g. so they can pay the award or a portion thereof in advance or if they need to complete payment during an expiring fiscal period. In these cases, please contact GCA via Grant Tracker or email to

If a sponsor hasn't received the invoice within a week of its issuance, we may not have the correct mailing or email address on file for them. If a sponsor expresses concern over not having received an invoice, please forward their message to and we will follow up with them.

When there is a question regarding a payment made to a grant/contract budget, email or submit a question using Grant Tracker.

The remittance address for check payments for a grant or contract is:

University of Washington
Grant and Contract Accounting
12455 Collections Drive
Chicago, IL 60693-0001

If a department receives a payment for a grant or contract budget, please send it to the Chicago remittance address. Be sure to write the budget number near the memo line of the check and forward a PDF copy of all supporting documentation to

Please ensure that your check is made payable to "University of Washington," and send payments via standard postal mail only. (The lockbox facility is not set up to receive documents from other delivery services, and such payments may be delayed or lost.)

Payment information for invoices issued by GCA is available on the award's Budget Information page on the Grant Tracker website. Any unpaid amount will be listed in the "Open" column in the Financial Information section. The Invoices section lists all invoices issued by amount, with any open amount for each, and the Payments section provides details on individual payments, including which invoices they were applied to and the date payments posted. 

Note that grant and contract invoice payments are NOT reflected in MyFinancial.desktop (MyFD). The MyFD Budgeted and Revenue amounts are based on the funding the sponsor has committed to the award, regardless of whether payment has been received yet or not.

Normally GCA (Grant and Contract Accounting) initiates and mails invoices for grants and contracts that require billing.

At times, however, GCA needs department input to complete invoicing:

If a budget is set up for milestone invoicing, GCA relies on the department to inform us that a deliverable has been completed and an invoice can be issued.

Some sponsors require detailed backup that GCA has no access to (e.g. receipts, timesheets, or activity reports). In these cases GCA will prepare the invoice and then route it to the department via Grant Tracker to provide the needed backup and route to the sponsor.

For clinical trial budgets, the department is responsible for invoicing.

Invoices are linked from a budget's Grant Tracker Budget Information page. Click on the invoice number hyperlink to download a PDF copy.

Two caveats:

  • If a sponsor has a unique invoice template rather than one of our standard formats, the actual invoice sent to the sponsor will not match our internal invoice as shown on Grant Tracker.
  • Grant Tracker updates overnight, so invoices will appear the day after they are issued in our invoicing system.

To ensure checks are applied to sponsored project activity in a timely manner while we are working remotely, please send checks directly to our lockbox:

University of Washington
Grant and Contract Accounting
12455 Collections Drive
Chicago, IL 60693-0001

Be sure to write the budget number near the memo line on the check and forward all supporting documentation to We plan to resume normal operations (GCA campus mailbox 354966 or hand delivery) once the University’s recommendation to telework is lifted.

Invoices generated by GCA’s invoicing software are automatically updated to a budget’s Grant Tracker Budget Information page the day after they are created. If you do not see an invoice you are expecting, please send a Grant Tracker question under the Invoicing topic.

Check the budget information page in Grant Tracker. In the Financial Information section, the last three items, Invoice, Receipt and Open, reflect the cumulative amount invoiced, the total payments received from the sponsor, and the amount remaining unpaid. Also, you may check if a specific invoice has been paid by scrolling down to the Invoices section and checking the Open Amount column. 

Please forward the request to so that we can provide the information and sign off on any forms the sponsor requires.

Unfortunately GCA cannot accept credit card payments. Sponsors may pay by check (including cashier’s check) or wire/ACH.

By default charges to parent and sub-budget(s) are combined on a single invoice. However, if a sponsor requests separate invoicing for a sub-budget, please notify GCA via a Grant Tracker in the Invoicing topic, and we can accommodate their request.

Notify GCA by Grant Tracker in the Invoicing topic or by forwarding the sponsor’s email to We will follow up with them to locate the payment.

Note that GCA does not issue a final invoice until the Final Action Date has passed. Departments are required to ensure that all expenditures have posted by then, and if that is impossible to notify GCA of the pending charges on or before that date. However, if there are additional charges the department was unaware of at the Final Action Date and the sponsor provides written confirmation they will accept a revised final invoice, GCA will invoice the additional charges. Please submit a Pending Transactions Detail Form via Grant Tracker along with your sponsor confirmation to request a supplemental invoice.

When a sponsor discovers an unallowable expense, it is the department’s responsibility to transfer it off their budget as soon as possible. The transfer will result in a credit on the next invoice issued. Because of this, we discourage sponsors from short-paying invoices. Instead, we prefer to void the invoice with the unallowable charge and issue a replacement after the charge has been removed.

Here are the steps to see payment information in Workday:

  1. Open your award in Workday
  2. Go to the Billing & Receivables tab
  3. Go to the View Sponsor Invoices for Award sub-tab
  4. You'll see a table that includes a list of invoices and the Payment Status for each invoice.
  5. If an invoice's Payment Status is Paid, you can click on the invoice you're interested in.
  6. In the View Customer Invoice window, click on the Activity tab toward the bottom of the screen.

    From here you can either:

View the accounting journal associated with the payment (click on the magnifying glass in the Transaction column) or

View additional information about the payment itself (click on Payment hyperlink)

Journal Vouchers

What is a Journal Voucher (JV)?
JVs are forms used to process accounting entries. They are primarily used for fund transfers and corrections. Many central offices process JVs. To determine which office to contact about a JV, use the following link:

Journal Vouchers (JVs) are no longer paper-based and are submitted electronically in our financial system. If you require a copy of a JV, electronic copies are accessible via the Business Intelligence Portal (B.I. Portal) under the Journal Voucher Detail report.

If you have questions about your Journal Voucher please keep in mind that many offices process JVs (not just GCA). GCA does process the following JVs on a regular basis: Indirect Cost Adjustments, Subcontract IDC Adjustments, Deficit Transfers, and IRB fees.

To determine which department to contact with JV questions, use the chart found on the Financial Reporting Journal Voucher webpage, or use the Originating Area Code found in the Transaction Detail to find out who processed it.



Try these steps:

  • Adjust speaker volume on your computer.   
  • Make sure correct device is selected for audio on your computer. Sometimes, plugging in headphones may disable speakers, or vice versa.
  • Stuttering? double-check your internet connection. The most common cause of audio stuttering is being connected via Wi-Fi instead of directly connected to the internet with a cable.  
  • Try using another web browser to join. Google Chrome is recommended for remote MRAM attendance.

MRAM audio & video are  monitored  throughout the meeting for quality control.  If we are aware of an issue at the meeting source we will include a note in the online chat room.

While we welcome all feedback, we may not be able to accommodate individual attendee technical challenges.

Please email with questions.