Frequently Asked Questions

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MRAM presentation materials & recordings are typically published on the MRAM Meetings webpage 2-5 business days after MRAM sessions occur.

Organization Codes

Organization codes are a representation of various functional areas across the University. The organization code is comprised of six levels (digits). Each level corresponds with a position level, or area, of responsibility. The more numbers there are to an organization code (e.g. all six fields have numbers as opposed to the first one or two fields), the more restrictive the level of viewing or access is. The Office of Planning and Budgeting is the department responsible for setting up and maintaining the University’s organization codes. Additional information for adding or changing organization codes can be found at:

To change an individual budget's org code, please send a Grant Tracker request under the Budget Setup topic. If you need to change the org codes for multiple budgets at once, please prepare a list or spreadsheet of the changes required and email it to


RRF budgets are granted through the University’s Office of Research, and are to be used in advancing research in new directions. The Office of Research approves all requests to close an RRF budget. They need to have received, for review, the PI’s final report, a final summary of expenditures, and a final BSR (Budget Status Report) for the RRF being closed. Once reviewed and approved, the Office of Research will send an email with official approval to close. This official email approval should be pasted into a Grant Tracker in the Closing topic.

More information about the Royalty Research Fund can be found here: 

Karen Luetjen, or Peter Wilsnack can be contacted for specific questions. Karen can be reached at:, or at 206.616.9089. Peter can be reached at:, or at 206.685.9316.


These are revenue transactions: For restricted fund budgets (grants, contracts & gifts) revenue is recognized as expenditures post. The full amount of an award or supplement is recorded upfront to revenue class 9799 (increase in fund balance), followed by the two-digit source code designating what agency gave us the award (i.e. 01 designates National Institute of Health). An award of $100,000 for an NIH award would show as a credit of ($100,000) to 9799-01.

Every restricted fund budget is assigned a revenue code which designates the awarding department (revenue class) and awarding agency within that department (revenue source). For NIH, the revenue code is 9313-01: revenue class of 313 (Department of Health and Human Services) and revenue source of 01 (National Institute of Health). NIH is an agency within DHHS.

As expenditures post to a restricted fund budget, revenue is posted to the revenue code assigned to that budget, and a corresponding debit is made to the fund balance. In the example above, $1 in expenditure would create revenue of ($1) to 9313-01 and a decrease in fund balance of $1 to 9799-01. If a restricted fund budget is entitled to Facilities & Administrative (F&A) cost then revenue is posted to the appropriate Facilities & Administrative (F&A) cost revenue budget (74-1781 for IC revenue from Washington State awards, 51-1734 for IC revenue from all other grants and contracts).

In the example above, if the IC rate was 50% then for the $1 of expenditure, revenue of ($.50) would post to 51-1734 using revenue code 9313-01. You would not see a corresponding debit to 9799-01 on the restricted fund budget. At the end of an award, if that award was fully expended and there was no Facilities & Administrative (F&A) cost (using our example or an NIH award of $100,000), 9313-01 would equal ($100,000) and 9799-01 would be $0.

If, in our example, the award was fully expended with direct expenditures of $66,667 and Facilities & Administrative (F&A) cost of $33,333, then 9313-01 would equal ($66,667) and 9799-01 would equal ($33,333). The Revenue Class 9788 designates beginning fund balance. At the close of a biennium, the balance (revenue minus expenditures) on a restricted fund budget is carried forward to the new biennium as 9788 plus the revenue source. For NIH awards this would be 9788-01.

Above all, do NOT deposit the payment as revenue to a grant, contract, or gift budget. This will throw the award and revenue amounts out of balance and lead to complications at closeout. Instead, refunds to these budgets should be processed as reverse expenditures to the same object/sub-object code as the initial charge. See instructions for reverse expenditure processing here.

Spending Money

For all questions about allowability, please consult the Post Award Fiscal Compliance page. They have web pages dedicated to specific cost items, including food, travel, mobile devices, and many others. You can contact them at with specific questions.

Multiple reasons could exist for why portions of an award budget would be restricted. Common ones include a restriction on spending later years of a multi-year project until the sponsor issues payment, carryforward that cannot be released for spending without sponsor approval, or a delay in human subjects protocol approval. If you are uncertain what restrictions apply to your particular budget, please contact GCA via Grant Tracker under the Budget Setup topic.

Please work with Procurement Services to issue payments from your grant or contract budget.


Generally, the subcontract amount subject to UW F&A costs is based on the business rules of the Funding Action. If, for example, the cost base type for your funding action is Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC), then your subcontract is subject to F&A on the first $25,000 at the same rate as the primary award. If the cost base type for your funding action is Total Direct Cost (TDC), then all of the subcontract is subject to UW F&A at the same rate as the primary award. You can always use Grant Tracker or review the Funding Action associated with your award for more information about the F&A charges to your subcontract(s). If you still have questions after you review the Funding Action, contact the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) at for assistance.

Applying indirect costs related to subcontracts is a manual process. At the end of each calendar quarter, GCA performs a Budget Subcontract (BSC) F&A reconciliation to determine if an adjustment is needed to the indirect cost for each subcontract.

Subcontract F&A encumbrances are set up by GCA when we first reconcile F&A. The subcontract F&A encumbrance amount is equal to the projected F&A costs to be charged on the subcontract(s). As subcontract F&A is charged to the budget, we manually reduce the subcontract F&A encumbrance until the subcontract F&A threshold is reached.

If you have an urgent need for an immediate adjustment (e.g. an adjustment was missed, the budget is about to close, or you need current expenditure totals for a no-cost extension or carryover request), or if you believe the subcontract F&A encumbrance is incorrect, please contact GCA via Grant Tracker using the Indirect Costs topic.

Training Grants

Changing a Trainee’s salary could require a Change Job action in Workday.  

Information on how to change a job and step by step instructions are available on the ISC website User Guides section. 

  • Terminate the current position and compensation in Workday.

  • Enter the new position and compensation package. (see User Guides)

  • Workday should update the pay rate type automatically based on the job profile.

  • Assign Organizations.

  • If the budget has expired, please send a Grant Tracker request to keep the budget in status 1 to allow the correction to post.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • If the trainee was paid under Earn Type REG but should be paid under Earn Type TRN, this means that the trainee may have overpaid Social Security, Medicare and Retirement and may be receiving a refund.

  • If the employee was paid under Earn Type TRN and should be paid under Earn Type REG, this means that the employee may owe Social Security and Medicare taxes and if eligible for retirement, may opt to have this deducted as well.

  • If the correction impacts a previous tax year, Payroll may need to issue a W2C (W2 correction).  Contact for W-2C questions.

The ISC HCM Partner can provide assistance with the job change.  Contact or call 206-543-8000.

No. GCA receives a notification from xTrain every time a Termination Notice is routed to the Business Office.

If the final payroll and/or salary transactions have been processed, posted to the budget and it's been over two weeks, please contact GCA via or via Grant Tracker.

Questions about Termination Notices should be directed to GCA via or Grant Tracker.

The most common reasons Term Notices are returned by GCA are:

  • Missing electronic validation ("signature")

    • MUST be validated by both the Principal Investigator (PI) and the Trainee for Training Grants

    • For Fellowships: Fellow and Sponsor (PI) validation required.

      • When such situations occur, and the institution has tried unsuccessfully to include the Sponsor in the termination process, the Business Official may assume responsibility for certification and submit the termination notice to the agency via xTrain.

      • From NIH Commons FAQs: In unusual cases, the Sponsor may not be available to certify the information on the termination notice.

  • Incorrect stipend payment listed

    • Actual pay MUST correspond to trainee's stipend amounts listed on the training grant and the UW's proration calculation (see the Proration Calculator to calculate correct stipend amounts).

    • Supplemental/additional compensation on other budgets is not included in GCA's reconciliation.

    • GCA calculates salary transactions that posted in the financial system to the training grant. These can include salary transfers that are not reflected in the OPUS salary distributions.

GCA calculates salary transactions that posted in the financial system to the training grant. These can include salary transfers which are not reflected in the WORKDAY salary distributions.

Using any salary object codes other than the allowable ones will charge the training grant additional benefits which are NOT allowed to be charged (per NIH restrictions).

Stipends are to be coded either 01-50 for post-doctoral trainees or 01-90/08-02 for pre-doctoral trainees.

Completing the Termination Notice is a condition of accepting the appointment. If the trainee doesn't respond after repeated attempts, contact GCA via or via Grant Tracker.

No. Trainees prepare Termination Notices only when their final year on the award is completed.

NIH prorates by whole months, then days within the month. The UW payroll calculates differently: number of working days in a half-month payroll cycle. When entering the trainee's total stipends use the UW amount.  A Termination Notice Proration Calculator has been developed to assist. Once the prorated amount has been verified, the actual stipend payments in MyFD, and the stipend amount listed on the termination notice must match the calculated proration.

E.g.  trainee was appointed a yearly amount of $22,032 but only trainees from 7/01/13-2/13/14

  • xTrain calculates (22032/12*7)+(22032/12/28*13) on the term notice

  • UW payroll would reflect the final month of payment as 9 of 10 working days multiplied by the half month: (22032/12*7)+(22032/12/2*9/10)

NIH accepts these differences that are within a reasonable amount.

GCA will approve Termination Notices if the difference over the entire training period is less than $20.

01-50, 01-90, and 08-02 are the only allowable objects codes that denote stipends. Using another salary object code can denote an employee/employer relationship, which is counter to the NIH Grants Policy Statement "stipends for trainees are not “salary” and not provided as a condition of employment..."  Other salary object codes also cause unallowable benefits to be charged to the grant AND can cause tax implications for trainees.