10/12 MRAM Q&A Follow Up

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10/12 MRAM Q&A


Greetings Colleagues, 

The 10/12 MRAM materials are published for your review along with a list of links shared during the session. Q&A from our session are included here for reference and will be available with the other meeting materials shortly. 

Within a week or so following every MRAM, an email like this one typically goes out with Q&A from the session and a link to the meeting materials.  

CORRECTION: Please send questions related to invoicing or MyFD to pcshelp@uw.edu.

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PAFC Hot Topic: eFECs Closeout & NIH Childcare Allowance


Q1: When will training for how to do GCCRs in the new system take place? (And where can we find them?)
A1: Please review ECC Training Timeline.

Q2: When should we expect a response from eFECS after sending a notification about a pre-7/1/23 transfer?
A2: The Effort Team will being working through the list of manual FECs after the pre-7/1 transfers are processed. The FEC cannot be processed until after the salary transfers are completed.

Q3: The Shared Environment (SE) will complete the re-class journals and then MAA will process the eFECS? If so, what communication channels should SE be using to let you know the re-class journals are complete?
A3:T he Effort Team will be able to run a report in Workday to identify any pre-7/1 salary transfers, so it's not necessary to communicate after completing the re-class journal. However, any communication that alerts the team to these journals is appreciated.

Q4: We have a final sponsor invoice due 10/31/23 that needs the pre-7/1/23 transfer to happen first. The sponsor has already given us a one month extension. Did I hear right that these transfers still won't be possible for a couple of weeks? How are we supposed to deal with this type of situation?
A4: The process of transferring pre-Workday expenses within Workday has been tested successfully in Workday. Guidance will be provided to campus as soon as it’s available.

Q5: The link is for National Research Service Award (NRSA) Childcare Costs (SC2742) only, right?
A5: That is correct.






Agreement Templates


Q1: At what point in the proposal process would it be a good idea to send the agreement considerations?
A1: When there is not a formal proposal process, but the research team is discussing potential collaboration/funding with an outside party, especially a potential industry sponsor, it is a good idea to share the agreement considerations at that early point. This helps all understand the UW principles/policies that apply to sponsored program funding.

Q2: Do we have new agreements for Investigator Initiated Trials (IITs)?
A2: An investigator-initiated trial is one where the UW PI authored the protocol or study design. This situation is frequent enough for the UW to develop a UW IIT agreement template. We anticipate this will be available by end of year.

Q3: We have a contract {service} agreement that doesn't go through OSP. Do we send this type of agreements to Procurement to review and sign?
A3: To help determine the appropriate route, review guidance on  Sponsored Program or Service and the UW's Administrative Policy Statement (APS 59.5) Sale of Goods and Services






Research Security: Agency Updates & Looking Ahead


Q1: Do we need to collect these records for foreign subrecipients in all cases, or does responsibility fall directly to the subrecipient?
A1: The subrecipient is responsible for ensuring the UW has access to the records; The UW PI is responsible for making sure the Subrecipient provides access and reviewing the records provided.

Q2: Any updates on Data Management Sharing Plans?
A2: No. 

Review  Links shared from the 10/12/23 MRAM




ORCiD Overview


Q1: Can a department see whether faculty have ORCiD iDs?
A1: You can request a list of all ORCID iDs in your department by sending a request to grantrpt@uw.edu.

Q2: Who will receive the ORCID emails (i.e., how do you define "researchers")?
A2: We sent the initial email to our Research Persons list which includes all active faculty plus non-faculty researchers (which includes a long list of payroll titles). The follow-up messages are going specifically to the folks on this list who do not already have an ORCID and to folks who have an ORCID but one that is not correctly affiliated with the UW.





GCA Update


Q1: Did Juan say they are getting through 50 awards a week? That would take 30 weeks to get through the backlog alone. I'm hoping I misheard.
A1: Juan said that GCA is processing or returning 50 items per day on average.

Q2: If waiting on an award to be set-up, normally we would request an Advance Budget (Advance Spend); however, it seems that is also taking time. Given GCA backlog, does GCA recommend we still pursue an Advance Budget?
A2: Yes, please continue to use Advance Requests.

Q3: To confirm, Juan said GCA is deprioritizing award close out? What if we're a subcontract? We can't delay award closeouts in those situations so I wanted to make sure I understood.
A3: We are still prioritizing the submission of final invoices to our sponsors but closeout activities like deficit transfers and residual balance transfers are being deprioritized.

Q4: Please clarify what is meant by Campus Award Tasks?
A4: Campus award tasks refers to Workday award tasks that represent campus’s responsibilities in post-award sponsored program management. One example is the submission of a technical or progress report to a sponsor.

Q5: Does Final Financial Report (FFR) / budget closing fall into the "urgent" category?
A5: Yes, the submission of a financial report is a priority. Closing the related award line (including a final reconciliation and carryover of the unobligated balance in Workday) will be delayed.


Q6: Any chance we can prioritize advance budget requests? They are currently taking >1 month to be processed and it is creating a lot of work on the back end since we can't allocate salary to the right projects and we have to do many PAAs.
A6: GCA is prioritizing advance requests but we are also receiving a high volume of urgent requests to process other items, such as Award Setup Requests, that may take precedence in order to ensure compliance with sponsor deadlines.

Q7: Is it accurate that GCA can no longer distinguish advance budget requests from other requests?
A7: GCA is using a new internal report that helps identify the specific type of advance requests (new, renewal, extension) that allows us to better prioritize requests.

Q8: Is campus leadership helping support GCA, and if so, how?
A8: GCA’s needs are represented in the governance groups deciding priorities and are supported by the Sustainment positions within UW Finance. GA2C is also participating in the Extended Transition Services work that is ongoing through December 31, 2023.






Thank you,




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