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Troubleshooting Tips
How do I add faculty to the Office of Merchant Services (OMS) instance for a course?
View the how-to-guide on how to add faculty to a course.
I accidentally deleted a quiz in my course! How do I restore it?
Restoring an Item Deleted in a Course (Pages, Assignments, Modules, Quizzes, Discussions, etc.)
Oh No! I was editing my home page in Canvas and accidentally deleted parts I wanted to keep -- and then I SAVED it! How can I get it back?
Using Page History to Restore a Page to a Previous Version
HELP! I somehow managed to DELETE my entire course!
Restoring an Entire Course that has been Deleted
NOTE: To accomplish this, you will need to know the course id number of the deleted course. This is usually found in the URL of the course: https://uwoms.instructure.com/courses/XXXXX
The easiest way to find this information is to run the Recently Deleted Courses report found in Admin > Reports
Whoops! I went into my course settings and found the 'Reset Course Content' link. I threw caution completely to the wind and ignored all the warnings. Now my course is completely devoid of all content.
Restoring Content From a Course that has been RESET - i.e., Wiped Clean
This one is very time-sensitive. Since there really isn't a way to simply recover a course once the content has been wiped using the Reset Course Content feature, the best way to restore the deleted content would be to go into the BETA environment (https:/uwoms.beta.instructure.com) as quickly as possible, locate the same course that was reset and export the content to a package (ZIP) file. Then, re-import the ZIP file back into the course in your Canvas production environment. Remember, the BETA environment mirrors your 'live' production environment (basically a carbon copy of your production environment); however, it resets EVERY SATURDAY. Therefore, you'll want to grab the content within the same week it was reset - otherwise, it's gone for good.