TouchNet How-To Guide

Login Questions

Login to TouchNet

What's my login name?

Use the login name starting with c20410. You will have been given login credentials in TouchNet when your account was created. 

Your UW NetID login and password will not work.

Problems logging in?
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies
  • Do not login with a bookmark, use the link above
  • Open a new incognito or private window and use the link above
  • Once your password has failed three times in a row, your account will lock.
  • If you have not logged into TouchNet in more than 90 days, your account will automatically lock.

If you do not have TouchNet login credentials or have been locked out of your account, or you see an issue where it asks you to contact the administrator, please contact

Test System Login

Touchnet TEST Environment

Only use this link if you have been given a separate Test system login. 

I need to add/delete another person to my store or site

Please email with your MID name or number, the store or site(s) they need access to, the access role or roles and their name and NetID. 

What roles are available within TouchNet?

Every store or site must have an active manager from the department. Each user in TouchNet can have multiple roles across stores and sites.

uStores have the following roles available:

  • Store Manager - full access, customization of the store and crea
  • Fulfiller with Cancel/Refund Rights - ability to fulfill orders and issue refunds
  • Accountant - view Marketplace financial reports for the store
  • Point of Sale Attendant - can make in-person transactions on the store with a TouchNet terminal. (Any store must have Point-of-Sale enabled to use this.)

uPay Sites have the following roles: 

  • Site Manager - full access, customization and refunding payments
  • Payment Clerk - search for payments, cancel/refund payment  
  • Accountant - view Marketplace financial reports for the uPay site - this role cannot refund payments

There are other roles available for the Payment Gateway and PayPath that are available for very active merchants. Please email to ask about your eligibility.

Transaction Management

Why did a transaction fail?

The most common reason for a transaction to fail in TouchNet is if the billing address entered by the customer does not match that of the billing address of the credit card. Some examples of this include: Students using a card with their home address, but entering their university address; businesses using their office address when the billing address is at the finance office at a different address; the customer has moved, and in the digital age of online statements, never bothered to update the address with their bank. 

If your customer has verified their address (particularly the zip code), and it's still failing, please contact with your Merchant name or ID, and the time and date of the transaction attempt and Merchant Services can look up the error codes and determine the reason for that failure. 

How do I process a refund for a uStore?

Navigate to your Store in Marketplace and under the store is a menu selection 'Refunds'

Marketplace to Your Merchant to Your Store to Refunds

If you do not see this selection, you do not have the proper role to process a refund (Fulfiller with refund rights) - this is a specific role outside that of a store manager. Your store manager can assign this role to you under Users or you can email with your Store or Merchant name for use to add it for you.

Once you have found the single order you wish to refund and select Refund from the Action column

On the next page you will find the refund page - you can refund a partial or full amount per product. Shipping may or may not be refunded in a field below, and you have the ability to attach a comment to the refund as a Refund Reason.

Refund panel

TouchNet has provided an excellent video on the Batch Refunding within stores: uCommerce 8.1 uStore Batch Refunding

How do I process a refund for a uPay site? 

You can process a refund for  uPay site if you are a Site Manager or Payment Clerk. If you do not hold this role, and do not see the Refunds option under the left nav under your uPay site, please email with your Merchant or Site Name.

For a single payment refund, use the fields available to search for the payment you want to refund. Select Refund from action column and proceed through refund process

This depicts Payment Details where merchants can proceed to refund users

For multiple or batch refunds, those will be under the Batch of Refunds tab, and TouchNet has a video on how to manage and submit Batch Refunds in uPay: uPay Refunds


Reporting in TouchNet

To access the Marketplace reports for your store or site, please navigate in uCommerce to Marketplace:

Select Applications then Marketplace

Then scroll down to the Marketplace Reports in the left navigation and expand to your store or site:  

Expand the left nav to Marketplace Reports, then Stores or Sites, and expand your store or site


For reconciling budget general guidance, please reference Financial Reporting:

For external statements, and revenue and internal fees, please go to our View Statements page.

Credit card revenue is batched daily (usually at 6:30pm) - to reconcile a daily batch, use the Product Detail Report under the TouchNet Store Reports or the Revenue Report for under the TouchNet Site Reports

Registration Report

Once you're in the Store reporting area, select the By Product Report. 

Once there, select the date parameters and make sure Product is in the Report Type. Select the checkbox next to each product you'd like to view and proceed to Product Detail Report

An example of how to run a store revenue report

The Product Detail Report has details on each purchase, including information collected from customers (modifiers), presented in columns.

Product Detail Report columns, showing stock number, product name, order id, dev info, purchaser, date ordered, date fulfilled, qty fulfilled, transaction type, payment method and total amount paid

Make your desired selections (uncheck the "Show columns with a zero dollar price adjustment") and select the Export to CSV button. 

An example of running a product detail report

Marketplace uStores

TouchNet Marketplace uStore Refunds​ 

A comprehensive guide to issuing refunds through the backend of the Marketplace.

TouchNet Marketplace Modifier Report​ (downloadable PDF guide)​

A report going over the available modifiers in the TouchNet uStore.

TouchNet Marketplace Reconciliation Guide​ (downloadable PDF guide)​

A guide going over reconciliation in the uStore.

Running a TouchNet Registration Report (downloadable PDF guide)

A guide going over how to create a TouchNet registration report.

Marketplace uPay ​

What is TouchNet uPay?(downloadable PDF guide)

What is TouchNet uPay provides a thorough guide of the uPay features and functionalities in TouchNet.

TouchNet Ready Partners​ 

The TouchNet Ready Partners the University of Washington has worked with.

TouchNet uPay Refunds Guide

A comprehensive guide to issuing refunds for uPay through the backend of the Marketplace.