TouchNet Marketplace Store Refunds

Applicability: University of Washington

Guidance Title: TouchNet How-to Guide: TouchNet Marketplace Store Refunds


This process provides direction on processing refunds through the TouchNet uStore


This process applies to any University merchant who wishes to sell their products and/or events on TouchNet.

Processing Refunds

  • Login to the TouchNet Production Site: 
  • Only users with the role of Fulfiller with Refund Cancel rights can process refunds online.
    • The store manager assigns roles within the store’s User settings
  • Navigate to your Store in Marketplace and under the Store is a menu selection Refunds:
    Marketplace to Your Merchant to Your Store to Refunds
  • Once you have found the single order you wish to refund and select Refund from the Action column
  • On the next page you will find the refund page - you can refund a partial or full amount per product. Shipping may or may not be refunded in a field below, and you have the ability to attach a comment to the refund as a Refund Reason.
    Refund panel
  •  The refund amount field only appears if partial refunding has been enabled
    • Setting “allow partial refunds” option to yes on the store general settings page

TouchNet has provided an excellent video on the Batch Refunding within stores: uCommerce 8.1 uStore Batch Refunding