Reporting: Merchant Accouting Information and Services

Merchant Services Accounting Entry Reports

Below is a link to two reports:

  • Merchant Services Administration Fee Breakdown
  • Merchant Services CT Reconciliation Report

These customizable reports provide detail and back-up for the Administrative Fees and CTs which post to your budget. 

Please use your UW NetID and password to log in to the report. 

Merchant Services Report

Accounting Entries

Cash Transmittals

Merchant Services receives settlement data from our processor, FiServ. This data is used to generate CTs which credit the budget and revenue code designated at the time of MID set-up. Please contact for any budget number or revenue code updates.

The generated CT numbers follow the structure below:


  • FS = Banking and Accounting Operations is designated as the Originating Area who uploaded the file       
  • MS = This CT is generated for payment card settlements

Values M, D, and XX are unique values which correspond to the date and MID associated with each CT. More detail can be found by referring to the Merchant Services CT Reconciliation Report, or contacting

UW Merchant Fees

UW Merchant Fees (formerly known as Admin Fees) are posted at the end of the accounting month in which fees are accrued. For example, a UW Merchant Fee assessed for activity in the month of March will be posted within the first two business days of April, and appear in the month of March in MyFD. These entries are processed as ISDs, and are identified with FSMS (mmyy). (NOTE: UW Merchant Fees prior to July 2019 posted as Journal Vouchers (JVs) with a prefix of JVM or JVS) Our Merchant Fee structure may be found on our fee page.

Payment Card Fees

The Payment Card fees (formerly known as Merchant Fees) assessed by FiServ include processor transaction fees and interchange fees associated with Visa/MasterCard/Amex, etc.  The Payment Card fees assessed for a given month are posted in the beginning of the following month. For example, a Payment Card Fee for the month of February would be posted to the corresponding budget in early March. These entries are processed as JVs, and are identified with JVM (yymm). (NOTE: Payment Card Fees prior to August 1, 2018 posted with prefix JVX)


Chargebacks are reviewed on a monthly basis, and credited/debited by a JV submitted by Banking and Accounting Operations. If a department responds to a chargeback resulting in the chargeback being reversed, the JV will be reversed in the monthly review for which the bank account is credited.