When you record a meeting via a video conferencing platform like Zoom, Teams, or Skype, you are creating a record. Like other University records, it must be retained for the legally-approved retention period and may be releasable if requested under the Washington State Public Records Act or under Federal FOIA. It is University best practice to avoid recording meetings unnecessarily. If you do record your meeting, you must:

  • Be mindful of laws that may relate to recordings (e.g., RCW 9.73.030 – Washington’s two-party consent requirements for private conversations)
  • Save the recording to an appropriate electronic repository for the full retention period.
  • Be able to find, access, and produce the recording, if requested.
  • Apply retention and delete recordings (at least) annually as their individual retention periods expire.

For more detailed recommendations, refer to our resource on Best Practices for Zoom and Other Conferencing Recordings.