Review PCI DSS Standards
All merchants are required to comply within Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS). Please review the PCI Compliance requirements and OMS Policies, Standards and Guidance.
Review Hardware
Hardware options are available for review on our equipment page. Any hardware options not listed require approval by Merchant Services prior to purchase.
Review Fee Structure
There are credit card fees associated with the credit card brands, our merchant acquirer Elavon, and the University. The current fee structure is available for review, Please note that fees are subject to change.
Subscribe to the UW Merchant Services Digest
Subscribe to our PCI Merchant Services Digest to receive updates on such things as new policies and procedures, devices and security requirements.
Open a New Merchant Account
Please review OMS Becoming a Merchant Guidance Follow the following link to apply: Merchant Account Application. Please allow up to four weeks for final approval. This approval time varies based on how you will be accepting payments.
Open a ClientLine Account
Once you have been approved, you may Open a ClientLine Account
Please contact us at pcihelp@uw.edu with any questions.