Department/Organization Box Number
Center for Quantitative Science in Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife (CQS) BOX 352800
Center for Shared Services BOX 357145
Center for Social Science Computation and Research BOX 353345
Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (CSSS) BOX 354320
Center for Studies in Demography & Ecology BOX 353412
Center for Urban Horticulture BOX 354115
Center for Womens Health Research BOX 357261
Center on Human Development & Disability (CHDD) BOX 357920
Center on Reinventing Public Education BOX 358200
Ceremonies, Office of BOX 354923
CERID/Micro 8th Floor F Bldg BOX 358071
Chemical & Physical Oceanography BOX 355351
Chemical Engineering, Department of BOX 351750
Chemistry, Department of BOX 351700
Child Health Institute BOX 354920
Childcare Assistance Program for Students BOX 355880
Childcare Quality & Early Learning/National P-3 Ctr BOX 354238
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of BOX 352700
Classics, Department of BOX 353110
Classroom Support Services BOX 353095
Climate Impacts Group (CIG) BOX 355674
Clinical Affairs, Medicine BOX 356380
Clinical Business Affairs BOX 356480
Clinical Law Program BOX 353020
Clinical Research, Budget & Billing - SLU BOX 358048
Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center (CHSCC) BOX 354922
College of Education Psychology School Clinic BOX 355667
College of the Environment Advancement Team BOX 355055
College of the Environment Dean Office BOX 355355
College of the Environment Special Programs BOX 357941
Columbia Basin Research (CBR) BOX 358218
Columns and Trademarks & Licensing BOX 359559
Communication, Department of BOX 353740
Communications Studies Participant Pool (CSPP) BOX 357989
Community Standards & Student Conduct BOX 354415
CoMotion BOX 354950
Comparative Effectiveness, Cost, and Outcomes Research Center (CECORC) BOX 359558
Comparative History of Ideas (CHID) BOX 354300
Comparative Literature BOX 354338
Comparative Medicine BOX 357340
Comprehensive Center for Oral Health Research BOX 357480
Computer Science and Engineering, Department of BOX 352350
Construction Management BOX 351610
Continuing Medical Education BOX 359558
Continuing Nursing Education (UWCNE) BOX 357231
Contracted Vendor/Sodexho BOX 354062
Copy Center (B-042 Communications) BOX 353700
Corporate and Foundation Relations BOX 351210
Court 17 Apartments BOX 358413
CPO/Sandpoint BOX 354915
Creative Communications BOX 359000
Ctr for Child and Family Well-Being BOX 355665
Ctr for Intelligent Materials & Systems (CIMS) BOX 352144
Ctr for Intercellular Delivery of Biological (CIDB) BOX 351654
Ctr. For Cont. Education in Rehabilitation BOX 356492
Custodial Area A Dayshift, All Campus BOX 355001
Custodial Area B Health Sciences, East BOX 355002
Custodial Area C South Campus, West BOX 355003
Custodial Area D West Campus BOX 355004
Custodial Area E Upper Campus, Central BOX 355005
Custodial Area F Upper Campus, East BOX 355006
Custodial Area G Upper Campus, North BOX 355007
Custodial Area H Dayshift, South Upper Campus BOX 355000
Custodial Area I Upper Health Sciences, West BOX 355008
Custodial Area J Upper Campus, West BOX 355009
Custodial Services Administration BOX 355010
Dance Program BOX 351150
Data Management Student Fiscal Services BOX 355870
David Baker Lab BOX 351655
Dental Hygiene BOX 357475
Dentistry, School of BOX 356365
Department of Immunology BOX 358059
Department of Medicine Allergy BOX 358061
Department of Real Estate BOX 355727
Dept. of Pediatrics Springbrook Bldg BOX 354905
Development and Alumni Relations, Office of VP BOX 351210
Developmental Pathways Project BOX 354920
Diabetes and Obesity BOX 358055
Diabetes Research Group BOX 358285
Digital Learning Commons (DLC) BOX 354850
Disability Resources for Students BOX 352808
Division of Campus Community Safety BOX 351263
Drama Library BOX 353950
Drama, School of BOX 353950
Drug Interactions Database Unit (DIDU) BOX 354986
Earth and Space Sciences BOX 351310
East Asia Library BOX 353527
Economics, Department of BOX 353330
Education, College of BOX 353600
Educational Assessment, Office of BOX 359447
EE/CSE Construction Site BOX 352530
EH&S-Environmental Programs Office BOX 354110
EH&S-Research and Biological Safety Office BOX 357165
Electrical Engineering BOX 352500
Emergency Management BOX 359531