Department/Organization Box Number
School of Marine and Environmental Affairs BOX 355685
School of Medicine Administration & Finance(Include IT, Facilities) - SLU BOX 358047
School of Public Health BOX 351616
Scientific Instruments, HS Academic Services & Facilities BOX 357180
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance BOX 358081
Seattle Longitudinal Study BOX 359115
Slavic Languages and Literatures BOX 354335
Social Development Research Group (SDRG) BOX 358734
Social Work Continuing Education BOX 354900
Social Work Research Commons BOX 357155
Social Work, School of BOX 354900
Sociology, Department of BOX 353340
SOM Administration & Finance BOX 357227
SOM Business Affairs BOX 357229
SOM Radiology Admin BOX 357233
Sound Transit CPO BOX 354055
South Campus Construction Office BOX 357970
South Campus Food Services BOX 357615
Southwest Maintenance Zone BOX 355630
Spanish and Portuguese Studies, Division of Romance Languages and Literature BOX 354360
Special Services, Office of BOX 355835
Speech and Hearing Clinic BOX 354875
Speech and Hearing Sciences BOX 354875
SPHCM Biostats - Alzheimers Stats Lab BOX 359460
SPHCM Biostats - Ctr for Biomedical Stats/CBS BOX 359461
SPHCM Biostats - Genetics Coord Ctr/Weir BOX 359461
SPHCM Biostats - Precedent Coord Ctr BOX 359460
Spiritual Care Department BOX 356330
Sports Facilities Maintenance BOX 354070
Sports Medicine BOX 354060
Starbucks Main Lobby BOX 358826
Startup Hall I BOX 354620
Startup Hall II BOX 354625
State Auditor's Office BOX 354862
Statistics BOX 354322
Student Activities and Union Facilities BOX 352230
Student Activities Office BOX 352238
Student Counseling Center BOX 355830
Student Financial Aid BOX 355880
Student Legal Services BOX 352236
Student Loans & Receivables Office BOX 355820
Student Publications BOX 353720
Study of Health & Risk Behaviors (CSHRB) BOX 357238
Supporting Parents Program BOX 358734
Surgery BOX 356410
Surgery - Finance and Systems BOX 359459
Surgery/Vascular Surgery - SLU BOX 358051
Suzzallo & Allen Libraries BOX 352900
Swedish Medical Center BOX 358090
Teaching Academy BOX 352800
Technology Management MBA BOX 353221
The CoLab for Community & Behavioral Health Policy (CoLab) - Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences BOX 359457
The D Center BOX 352810
The eDNA Collaborative BOX 355670
The LIFE Ctr BOX 353600
Trademarks and Licensing BOX 359000
Training and Development Classrooms BOX 354975
Travel Office BOX 354967
Treasury Office BOX 359441
Undergraduate Advising BOX 352805
Undergraduate Computer Support BOX 352805
Undergraduate Education, Dean's Office BOX 352800
Undergraduate Gateway Center BOX 352805
Undergraduate Research Office (URO) BOX 352803
Undergraduate Scholarship Office (USO) BOX 352803
University Advancement: Finance & Admin/AVP/Info Mgt/Stewardship & Donor Recognition/Research & Relationship Mgt/Annual Giving/Student Calling Ctr BOX 359504
University Advancement: Gift Processing BOX 359505
University Advancement: Regional Gifts/Principal Gifts/Planned Giving/Intl Advancement BOX 359515
University Advancement: UW Marketing BOX 359520
University Book Store BOX 359170
University Book Store - South Campus BOX 357912
University Complaint Investigation and Resolution Office (UCIRO) BOX 354996
University Honors Program BOX 352800
University of Washington Physicians BOX 359110
University Police BOX 355200
University Press BOX 359570
University Relations, Office of VP BOX 351210
University Transportation Center BOX 355360
Urban Design and Planning, Department of BOX 355740
Urban@UW BOX 351267
Urology BOX 356510
Urology, SLU BOX 358055
USER Project BOX 352155
UW Alumni Association (UWAA) BOX 359508
UW Arts Ticket Office BOX 355910
UW Bothell Activities & Recreation Center BOX 358580
UW Bothell Advancement BOX 358528
UW Bothell Campus Library BOX 358550
UW Bothell Campus Safety BOX 358570
UW Bothell Cashier’s Office BOX 358544
UW Bothell Collaboratory BOX 358510
UW Bothell Community-Based Learning and Research (CBLR) BOX 358569
UW Bothell Commuter Services BOX 358524
UW Bothell Computing & Software Systems BOX 358534
UW Bothell Department of Enrollment Management BOX 358500
UW Bothell Division of Student Affairs BOX 358555
UW Bothell Enrollment Services BOX 358501
UW Bothell Facilities Services BOX 358575
UW Bothell First Year & Pre-Major Program BOX 358563