Department/Organization Box Number
UW Bothell Fiscal & Audit Services BOX 358525
UW Bothell General Faculty Organization BOX 358521
UW Bothell Goodlad Institute for Educational Renewal BOX 358536
UW Bothell Government & Community Relations BOX 358537
UW Bothell Information Technology BOX 358540
UW Bothell Institutional Planning and Budget BOX 358554
UW Bothell Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences BOX 358530
UW Bothell International Student Services BOX 358501
UW Bothell M.A. Policy Studies BOX 358511
UW Bothell Office of Academic Affairs BOX 358522
UW Bothell Office of Chancellor BOX 358520
UW Bothell Office of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion BOX 358512
UW Bothell Office of Financial Aid BOX 358501
UW Bothell Office of Institutional Research BOX 358519
UW Bothell Office of Registrar BOX 358501
UW Bothell Office of Sponsored Research BOX 358523
UW Bothell Organizational Excellence & Human Resources BOX 358526
UW Bothell Physical Planning & Space Management BOX 358535
UW Bothell Quantitative Skills Center BOX 358566
UW Bothell Residential Life BOX 358557
UW Bothell School of Business BOX 358533
UW Bothell School of Educational Studies BOX 358531
UW Bothell School of Nursing & Health Studies BOX 358532
UW Bothell STEM BOX 358538
UW Bothell STEM Graduate Office BOX 358561
UW Bothell Writing & Communications Center BOX 358567
UW Centers for Clinical Learning and Evaluation of Value and Effectiveness Research in Healthcare (UW Centers for CLEVER Healthcare) BOX 359456
UW Children's Center at Portage Bay BOX 355070
UW Clinical Trial Center BOX 354927
UW CPO Special Projects Group BOX 352390
UW Educational Outreach - Downtown BOX 358221
UW F2 Admin/Condon BOX 354606
UW Facilities - Asset Management BOX 359452
UW Facilities - Business Innovation & Technology BOX 359453
UW Facilities - Finance and Administration BOX 359454
UW Facilities - Project Delivery Group BOX 359451
UW Facilities - VP Office BOX 359453
UW ICA Football Operations BOX 354040
UW Information Technology, Academic Services BOX 354844
UW Information Technology, Business and Finance BOX 354844
UW Information Technology, Communications BOX 354844
UW Information Technology, Customer Service & Support BOX 359540
UW Information Technology, Human Resources BOX 354844
UW Information Technology, Human Resources/Payroll Modernization Program BOX 355672
UW Information Technology, Information Management BOX 359540
UW Information Technology, Networks & Telecommunications BOX 354842
UW Information Technology, Office of the Chief Information Security Officer BOX 359530
UW Information Technology, Office of the Vice President and CIO BOX 354844
UW Information Technology, Organizational Development BOX 354844
UW Lockshop BOX 353088
UW Marketing BOX 351244
UW Medicine Advancement BOX 358045
UW Medicine CHARMS Project BOX 359102
UW Medicine Compliance - SLU BOX 358049
UW Medicine ERCO-Financial Access Ctr BOX 354926
UW Medicine IT Services BOX 359968
UW Medicine Laboratory Medicine BOX 358738
UW Medicine Records Mgmt Services BOX 354929
UW Medicine Strategic Programs BOX 359427
UW Nanomechanics Lab BOX 352144
UW Privacy Office BOX 351268
UW Real Estate BOX 359450
UW Rome Center BOX 351237
UW School of Medicine Office of Faculty Affairs/CEDI BOX 357237
UW Shuttle Operations BOX 354275
UW Spokane Center BOX 359025
UW Strategic Consulting BOX 354968
UW Sustainablilty BOX 351248
UW Technology BOX 354841
UW Technology Enterprise Platforms/Distributed Systems BOX 354843
UW Technology Facilities/UTS Operations/Courier BOX 354840
UW Technology System Support BOX 359540
UW Total Benefits BOX 354969
UW Tower Custodial Area A BOX 359400
UW Tower Facilities BOX 359405
UW-IT Access Technology BOX 352820
UW-IT: Student Program BOX 359533
UWEB - UW Engineered Biomaterials BOX 355061
UWF Partner Resources BOX 354282
UWF PR (1) BOX 354280
UWF Safety (2) BOX 354280
UWF Training Center (3) BOX 354280
UWM CIS-UW Tower BOX 359412
UWMC Pavilion Surgery Center BOX 356120
UWMC Pre-Anesthesia Clinic BOX 356119
UWMC 5SA Cardio/Surgery Intensive Care Unit BOX 356185
UWMC 6SA Med/Oncology Intensive Care Unit BOX 356186
UWMC 7SA Med/Surg BOX 356187
UWMC 8E Therapy Group BOX 356154
UWMC Accounting BOX 359415
UWMC Acounts Payable BOX 359417
UWMC Alvord Brain Tumor Center BOX 356182
UWMC Ambulatory Surgery Center BOX 354728