
Should you need to replace an existing terminal or order a new device, please contact us at

TouchNet Marketplace Terminals

TouchNet Marketplace terminals will work with the TouchNet online Marketplace, and are available for rental from the Office of Merchant Services. Details can be found on the TouchNet Terminals page.

Elavon/Converge Terminals

Terminals offered by Elavon can be found on the Elavon Terminals page.

Existing Elavon Terminals

Should you need technical assistance with an existing terminal, please call Elavon's Premier Services at 1-800-725-1245.

All devices require SAFE-T encryption. Safe-T is Elavon’s approved Point to Point Encryption (P2PE) solution. The hardware encrypts the payment card at the terminal, removing our networks from scope of PCI DSS and vastly increasing our security around payment card acceptance. Existing terminals must be upgraded to SAFE-T by January 2020.

Upgrading Elavon Terminals to SAFE-T

The upgrade process involves a phone call and software download from Elavon (approximately 30 minute process.) OMS is available to come out to your Merchant location to assist with the process. Email and request SAFE-T be added to your account (note that in January, this will be added to every Elavon account with a physical device).

We will schedule an on-site visit where an OMS member will contact Elavon and facilitate the security download to your device(s).

As we are going to have hundreds of merchants transition to SAFE-T, we highly encourage you to get ahead of the pack by scheduling this now.

If your terminal is older and does not have the SAFE-T sticker you have two options: 1) pay $100 for a refurbished payment card terminal that will have SAFE-T built in, 2) pay $270 to upgrade to a brand new Ingenico Desk 3500 below.


SAFE-T costs a merchant $25 per month per MID. You can have as many terminals as you wish enrolled in SAFE-T and the cost will stay the same.