UW Terms and Conditions

The following documents may relate to some, but not all orders placed by the University.  Procurement staff will indicate which documents apply when placing an order or creating a contract.

Procurement Policy 7.2.15 IT Accessibility

Important Consideration for all Suppliers/Vendors/Contractors:

  • Suppliers should not begin work or accept verbal or written approval from an individual in a department if the value of the purchase is over the direct buy threshold (currently $10,000.00) without receipt of a University purchase order, with the following exceptions:
    • Order is placed through a current supplier RoundTrip catalog
    • ProCard approval has been authorized by a UW Procurement Contract Manager
    • Prior approval has been obtained from a UW Procurement Contract Manager

Considerations for Federally Funded Orders

  • System for Award Management (SAM) Registration: Any entity doing business with the University via a federally funded purchase order should be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM).
  • Uniform Guidance: The name Uniform Guidance… has changed to “OMB Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance” .All purchases using federal funds shall be in accordance with the procurement requirements of the Uniform Guidance § 200.Subpart D, Sections 200.318-200.326
  • National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA): Section 889, passed in 2020 prohibits the federal government, government contractors , and federal grant and loan recipients from procuring or using "covered telecommunication equipment or services" from specific restricted companies. By accepting a federally funded purchase order, Suppliers certify that they are in compliance with FAR 52.204.24-26 Covered Telecommunications Equipment or Services-Representation.  More information is available on the Post Award Fiscal Compliance (PAFC) webpage
  • Prohibition on a ByteDance Covered Application: FAR 52.204.27 prohibits government contractors and subcontractors from having or using the TikTok application (or any successor application or service provided by ByteDance Limited) on any information technology owned or managed by the Government, or on any information technology used or provided by the Contractor under a contract, including equipment provided by the Contractor’s employees; however, this prohibition does not apply if the Contracting Officer provides written notification to the Contractor that an exception has been granted in accordance with OMB Memorandum M-23-13.

REMINDER: Updating your business in the Dynamic Small Business Search:  When was the last time you checked your DSBS profile to make sure it included an up-to-date capabilities statement, keywords, and references? DSBS is a powerful tool for small businesses seeking federal contracts and subcontracts. You can now update your existing profile through SBA Connect rather than going through SAM.gov. View this youtube video with detailed instructions.