Reimbursing UW Employees
This page will review Expense Reports related to Non-Travel expense. For Travel Expense Reports visit: for more information.
Expense Reports are a tool in Workday used to reimburse UW employees only for expenses made on behalf of UW business. They are for rare occasions when other procurement methods are not an option. This should be done as a last resort. As with other procurement methods, you must have department approval.
In Workday, your task options are:
- Create Expense Report (for self)
- Create Expense Report for Worker (on behalf of employee)
- Users will need an Expense Data Entry Specialist role to complete an Expense Report in Workday.
- Job aid EXP-J-03 How to Create Travel and Non-Travel Spend Authorizations and Expense Reports (UW Employee reimbursements)
All individuals seeking or approving reimbursements should be familiar with the below.
- Not Allowed on Non-Travel Reimbursement Expense Reports
Reimbursement Type Instead Reimburse payments for personal services Visit our How to Pay page for guidance on the best payment method Prizes and Awards for UW employees or UW students Contact the Integrated Service Center for prizes/awards for UW employees. See the Tax Office webpage for more information on prizes/awards for UW students Gift Certificates for Employee Recognition Gift certificates given to UW employees should be reported to Integrated Service Center Travel for UW employees Travel related reimbursement should be on a separate Expense Report for business related travel. See UW Travel Office webpage. Housing Payment to landlords are considered vendor and should be paid on a PO, Supplier Invoice Request, or ProCard. See the Real Estate webpage for more information on leases. Reimbursements to individuals for rent must have the appropriate approvals and be submitted through the Travel Office. UW Tuition See the UW Student Fiscal Services webpage Amazon Mechanical Turk Use a department ProCard. Check the Quick Links on the ProCard page for the policy. Prolific Use a department ProCard. Check the Quick Links on the ProCard page for the policy. Expenses purchased using any personal rewards program rewards (rebate, mileage points, credit card travel points, my wallet refunds, gift cards etc.) This includes Amazon, Costco Executive memberships (due to annual rebate) and other personal rewards programs. - Documentation
- Documentation is required for every expense made on behalf of the University of Washington. Examples include receipts and bank statements. These documents support accounting and reconciliation best practice.
- If reimbursing multiple purchases, list each receipt as a separate line item.
- A receipt is a written acknowledgment of having received, or taken into one's possession, a specified amount of money, goods, etc. A receipt is not a confirmation notice or quote.
- Receipts should be itemized to show exactly what was purchased. For example, if a meal is being reimbursed, include the itemized receipt showing the food and beverages being purchased at that meal.
- Make every attempt to retrieve a receipt from the supplier for the purchase. If a receipt cannot be collected, have supporting documentation available such as a bank statement, confirmation email of purchase, packing slip etc. and an itemized list of what was purchased.
- For destruction of receipts after scanning, each department must create a scanning policy that is in compliance with Records Management
- If the purchase is food related, include a list of attendee names. This list will demonstrate adherence to the per diem limit.
To read more about the UW receipt policy, click on the link below:
- Approval Process
Expense Reports will be reviewed in their department by:
- SE Requisition Specialist
- Funding Approver (Grant Manager, Cost Center Manager etc) if it is not applied to a spend authorization.
If the Expense Report is over $3,500 it will also route to:
- AP Data Entry Specialist
- Payment Method
- Employees who currently receive their payroll by direct deposit to their bank account will be able to choose to receive their reimbursement by direct deposit to the same account, or a different bank account. The banking information from Payroll does not default.
- New employees will need to set up their banking information for Travel and E-Reimbursement in Workday.
- You should check the ‘Pay' section in Workday and verify that your account is set properly for Travel and E-Reimbursement under “Payment Elections."
- If a bank account is not set up, the reimbursement will default to check and be mailed to a designated campus box number.
- Reimbursing Non-UW Individuals
Non-UW employees can be reimbursed for travel and non-travel expenses through Miscellaneous Payments in Workday.
- For non-travel reimbursement, review this page below for what is not allowed and documentation. For more Misc Payment entry guidance review the Miscellaneous Payments page. Job aid AP-J-01 How to Perform Miscellaneous Payments in Workday (Non-UW Employee reimbursement).
- For travel, review the Travel website for policy