
The UW Procurement Card (ProCard) is a Visa purchasing card available for faculty and staff, designed to reduce the use of small dollar purchasing using purchase orders, and eliminate the use of personal funds. ProCard usage is restricted to UW business purchases only, and may not be used for personal expenditures.

ProCard Topics


What's New!

Washington State Requirements:

All ProCard users should:


What to Know Before You Begin

Review all resources below that explain policy and procedure:

If you have an questions please email


Academy (UWA) and SOM New Card Application Process

  • UW Faculty and staff are eligible to apply for a ProCard, with department/unit approval.
Step 1: Complete the ProCard training and assessment 
  • The ProCard training and assessment must be completed before submitting an application form in UW Connect.  A minimum score of 22 out of 24 is required to pass the assessment.  Click here to find the online training.
Step 2: Complete and submit a Card Services Form in UW Connect
  1. Complete the card application in the UW Connect Finance Portal. Do not submit until you have clicked into and read the User Agreement. Missing this requirement will add time to the process.
  2. The department ProCard approver must approve the application. 
  3. The ProCard Office reviews and approves the application. 
  4. An email notice will be sent to the cardholder, from UW Connect, after the card is ordered. Attached to your UW Connect REF will be instructions on how to activate your card after it arrives. The card will be mailed to the address on the application, typically 2-3 weeks after the card is ordered.
Step 3: After you receive your card, follow the Activation Instructions attached to your approved REF#application to:  
  1. Activate your ProCard
  2. Set up alerts
  3. Set up pin number


UWMC New Card Application Process

The Medical Center Training Assessment is mandatory for all new ProCard applications originating from UW Medicine. If you are unsure if your unit falls within UW Medicine, or have any UW Medicine application questions, please contact Robert G. Lee, Internal Control Analyst:

Step 1: Receive approval from your manager or director to have a ProCard

Step 2: Receive approval from UW Medicine Internal Control to proceed with the ProCard application

Step 3: Request and receive the trainings and applicable policy and procedure document from UW Medicine Internal Control

Step 4: Review the training and the applicable policy and procedures

Step 5: Complete the UWMC assessment and score better than 33/35 correct 

Step 6: Complete the application in UW Connect. Do not submit until you have clicked into and read the User Agreement. Missing this step will add time to the process. In the application use: default monthly limits ($20,000) and single purchase ($3,500), and provide the name of the reviewer and their UW Net ID

Step 7:  An email notice will be sent to the cardholder, from UW Connect, after the card is ordered. Attached to your UW Connect REF will be instructions on how to activate the card after it arrives. The card will be mailed to the address on the application, typically 2-3 weeks after the card is ordered. 

Step 8: Take the 2 DES (Department of Enterprise Services) trainings: EE WA Small Purchases and EE WA State Purchasing and Procurement Ethics 

Step 9: After you receive your card, follow the Activation Instructions attached to your approved REF#/application to:

  • Activate your ProCard
  • Set up alerts
  • Set up pin number

Contact Robert Lee, Internal Control Analyst, for questions: 


ProCard Renewal

ProCards are up for renewal every three years. will email you 5-6 weeks before the end of the month your card expires to notify you to watch for your card in the mail and to pass the ProCard assessment in order to keep your renewal card open. If the assessment is not completed before the card expires, the account will be suspended. The suspension will be lifted after you pass the assessment. Your account will be closed if the assessment is not passed within 30 days after your card expired. 

For example: card expiration is 08/23, then the assessment must be passed by 9/30/23 in order for your account to stay open.       

UW Academy and School of Medicine Renewal Process

Passing the ProCard assessment is mandatory to renew your ProCard (a different assessment is required for UW Medicine/Harborview Medical Center. See below). We recommend that if you have moved UW Mailboxes in the last three years that you email to verify we have the correct mailbox number on file. 

Responsibility lies with the cardholder to renew the card.

  • The Cardholder takes the ProCard  assessment logged in under their email. A passing score is a minimum of 22/24. If you need a refresher on ProCard use and management, please re-watch the Cardholder training here. If you need a quick refresher, watch the Renewal Training instead.
  • The card will be mailed to your UW Mailbox. ProCard Office will email you with a reminder and a link to take the ProCard assessment. Note: if the assessment is not passed before the end of the month that your card expires in, then your renewal card will be suspended. Follow the emailed instructions to activate your ProCard, set up alerts, and set up a pin number.
UW Medicine/Harborview Medical Center Renewal Process

The Medical Center training assessment is mandatory for renewal ProCards originating from UW Medicine. If you are unsure if your unit falls within UW Medicine, or have any UW Medicine application questions, please contact Robert G. Lee, Internal Control Analyst: We recommend that if you have moved UW Mailboxes in the last three years that you email to verify we have the correct mailbox on file. 

Responsibility lies with the cardholder to renew the card

Step 1: Request the training and applicable policy and procedure document from UW Medicine Internal Control.

Step 2: Review the training and the applicable policy and procedures.

Step 3: Cardholder takes the assessment and must score at least 33/35.

Step 4: The card will be mailed to your UW Mailbox. ProCard Office will email you with a reminder of the renewal process. Note: if the assessment is not passed before the end of the month that your card expires in, then your renewal card will be suspended. Follow the emailed instructions to activate your ProCard, set up alerts, and set up a pin number.

Contact Robert Lee, Internal Control Analyst, for questions: