How do I clear my internet browser history/cashe ?

►Mozilla Firefox:

Go to : Tools->Options->Advanced Panel->Network->Cashed Web Content->Clear Now
After clearing cache log out of all browsers and restart the computer.


►Internet Explore (IE9):

  1. Close all browser sessions (if needed restart computer)
  2. Open a new Internet explorer browser, and go to delete browsing history
    Go to : Tools->Internet Options->Browsing History->Delete or ctr+shift+del
  3. Make sure “Preserve Favorites website date” is unchecked and “Temporary Internet Files” and “Cookies” are checked
  4. Click Delete, it may take some time to complete
  5. Close browser
  6. Open a new browser and login into Ariba
    Note: As a reminder is important to never use the back arrow on the browser, and use the “Logout” button on the screen rather than just closing the browser.


►Other Internet Browsers:

For more information on clearing your internet cache using other browsers, see the WikiHow article: How to Clear your Browser's Cache