ARIBA Reports

ARIBA Reports are a suite of web based reports within the ARIBA system. 

Note: This purchasing system has been retired and all buying is taking place in Workday. These reports are updated through the end of June, 2023.

How to use

ARIBA provides a standard set of reports, which the user can adjust by specifying filters. The reporting process is as follows:

1. In ARIBA , a user chooses a report and tailors it with filters. For example, a user might choose to view a report on a particular supplier.

2. When the user finishes setting up filters, ARIBA generates a query based on the user's selected report and the filters selected.

3. ARIBA formats the data returned from the query and generates either an HTML, an Excel spreadsheet, or CSV result.

4. For example, if you request that the report's output in in HTML, ARIBA displays the data in a Web browser window.

Reports Currently Available:

Report Descriptions

Expense Reports

  • Denied Expense Reports - All expense reports that are currently denied, or have been denied in the past.
  • Direct Deposit Report - Provides a list of who is and who is not using direct deposit for expense reimbursement.
  • Expenses for 64 Budgets - Expenses grouped by budget number and limited to 64-xxxx budgets.
  • Expenses Grouped by Budget Type/Class 
  • Expenses by Object Code
  • Expenses Grouped by Travel Type
  • Expense Details Grouped by Expense Report
  • Expense Details Grouped by Expense Report for Specified Organization Code(s) - Line items with budgets outside the specified org code(s) and budget(s) will not be included in this report.


  • Invoice Details - Provides a detailed summary of all invoices grouped by supplier, order, and contract. Note: Access to this report is based on your Astra authorization for ARIBA  and may not appear on your Reports page.
  • UW Invoice Reconciliation Details - Details of reconciled invoices, grouped by supplier.
  • UW Use Tax - Lists all invoices where use tax was applied.


  • Order Details by Commodity and Supplier
  • Orders by Commodity and Budget Number
  • Order Summary by Budget Number - Summarizes orders charged to a particular budget, sorted by budget number, commodity, and supplier.
  • Order Summary by Org Code
  • Order Summary by Supplier - Summarizes orders based on supplier, budget number, and commodity.
  • Order Payment Summary Grouped by Org Code, Budget Number, and Order ID - Note that in some instances, the budget and possibly the amount can be wrong. This can happen when a charge against a budget is rejected by FAS. Any corrections to the budget or amount done thereafter are done outside of ARIBA and will not be reflected in ARIBA or this report. 
  • Non-Catalog Order Summary
  • Open Balance Details - Provides a detailed summary of all orders and contracts with remaining balances not yet invoiced for, grouped by organization code(s) or budget number(s).

Payments to Individuals

  • Payments to Individuals Frequent Payments - Displays transactions for individuals who have received three or more payments in a specified time frame.


  • Receiving Exception Report - Lists all invoices that are waiting to be paid because the order has not yet been received.
  • Receiving Report - Lists receipts and the orders, receivers, budget number(s), and org code(s) associated with those receipts.


  • Reimbursement Details - Provides details grouped by reimbursement document ID.


  • Commodity Details - Shows line items sorted by commodity, requisition, and line item.
  • New Punchout Items
  • Punchout Item Price Change Summary
  • Punchout Item Price Change Details - Shows every punchout item price change within a specified time period, sorted by supplier.
  • Requisition Detail - Show detailed header and line item information for selected requisitions, including all associated order IDs.
  • Requisition Detail by Approver - Selects requisitions for which the user specified (in the "On Behalf Of" Filter) is on the Approval Graph. Shows detailed header and line item information for selected requisitions, including all associated order IDs.
  • Requisitions to be Approved
  • Requisition Summary
  • Requisition Summary by Approver - Selects requisitions for which the user specified (in the "On Behalf Of" Filter) is on the Approval Graph. Shows requisition summary information only.
  • Submitted Requisitions Having Empty Approver(s) - Shows requisitions awaiting approval that can't be fully approved because they have at lease one empty Approver role. Also shows the names of the empty Approver roles.
  • Supplier Details - Shows the supplier you've been using and the types of commodities you've been ordering from each.
  • Budget Details - Provides a breakdown of orders from a particular budget, sorted by budget number, commodity, and requisition.
  • Custom Ship To Report