Frequently Asked Questions

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Best Practices

Departments can purchase gift cards for employee recognition using their ProCard. The gift must be reported to Payroll because the gift is taxable. See the Employee Recognition webpage and the Employee Recognition FAQs.

The department should have a defined, documented and monitored procedure for how recognition works and the gift cards are given.

The gift cards must be treated like cash and managed using Cash Management controls.

The gift cards must be reported to Payroll as income by emailing the amounts of the recognition to

Note: Gift cards should not be purchased with one’s own credit card and then be reimbursed.

As a state institution, we do not issue money orders or cashier's checks.

The catalog web page lists all the suppliers that have a catalog available in Workday at 

Yes, Guy Brown is currently a catalog vendor in Workday. 

You may check the “Process History” tab for the routing status. A PO number will also appear in the “Sourcing” column on the line items when a PO has been issued.  

All Purchase Orders are transmitted via email by Workday except catalog vendors, which are sent electronically via GHX. 

Unfinished verifications should show as a "draft." To find drafts, see the guide on the ProCard web page here, under "ProCard News"

A change order will need to be issued in order to do this. In Workday, only Procurement Contract Managers can create change orders or close POs. Visit this webform in the UW Connect Finance Portal to request a change or close: 

A subrecipient must be both a Supplier and a Subrecipient in Workday. Follow instructions on adding a new Supplier. The subrecipient must also be designated as a subrecipient in Workday. If your subrecipient is not designated as a subrecipient in Workday, send an Award Portal request to Grant & Accounting (GCA) to request designatioin of anew subrecipient. Note: Entity must already be a Supplier in Workday. If the subrecipient is not in SAGE, have your subrecipient complete the New Subrecipient Entity Certification Form then, send that form to

You can type the supplier's invoice number in the Workday Search field and the SI Invoice number will come up if the invoice has been submitted. The purchase order will also show as partially invoiced, and you can see the invoice number on the line-item detail.

The invite is issued from UW supplier administrators but the sending email could be more than one or could change in the future, and should not be relied upon a permanent. Suppliers can be informed that the invitation is 1) issued with a subject line of "Invitation to Join the University of Washington Supplier Community," 2) is UW-branded to avoid an appearance of spam, and 3) includes the name of the supplier in the email content as it was identified by the unit in the Supplier Request Form.

Suppliers who submit an unsolicited registration (i.e., the link to register was obtained without a Supplier Request Form and therefore, without an official invitation from supplier administrators) are not processed.

Ariba is in read only status. 

Payment information you will not see in Payment Loop:

  •   Any transaction paid by wire
  •   When invoice number is more than 15 characters long

How to view the payment status in ARIBA for BPO, PO and Non-PO Invoice:
1.Search for your invoice
2.Check the ‘Status’ field.

       a.  If the status is ‘Reconciled’, some payment information may be available.
       b. If the status is ‘Reconciling’, the invoice reconciliation is still in process; payment information is not yet available

 3.  Click on the ‘Invoice ID’
 4.  Click on the ‘Reconciliation’ Tab
 5.  Click on the ‘ID’
 6.  Click on the ‘Payments’ Tab
 7.  Click on the ‘Payment Requests ID’
 8.  When available, the payment information should display under ‘Transaction Details’

Meaning of Checks Number prefix letters:
A - Paper Checks
R - ePayables Card
T - ACH Payments

How to view the payment status in Ariba for Payment to Individuals (XP), eReimbursements (XR) and eTravel Expense Reports (ER):

1. The Payment Details section is located towards the bottom of the Summary page.

Meaning of Checks Number prefix letters:
A - Paper Checks

E - Direct Deposit