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Within Workday, users will now assign Spend Categories to show what is being purchased. You can find a list of the spend categories in Workday but searching "Find Spend Categories" in the search bar.
You might also find it helpful to visit the taxability grid at the Tax Office web page, located at:
Meals are held to the state required per diem rate. If there are any additional charges, they can be charged to a discretionary funding source only when approved by a Dean or Vice President. Keep a record of the number of attendees of the event. If the cost goes over the per diem rate, also keep a justification of why that supplier was chosen.
Spend categories can be researched in two reports:
- “Find Spend Categories” report in Workday
- “Workday Spend Category Guidance” report in the UW Connect Finance Portal
The reports will show the taxability and what kind of transactions each category is available for.
To understand the taxability of goods and services, visit the Tax Office Taxability Grid:
If there is an issue with a spend category or a new one is needed, please use the “Foundational Data Model (FDM) Data Element Management Request form to submit a ticket for review.