Frequently Asked Questions
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Make every attempt to retrieve a receipt from the supplier for the purchase. If a receipt cannot be collected, have supporting documentation available such as a bank statement, confirmation email of purchase, packing slip etc and an itemized list of what was purchased. See Receipt Policy here and award documentation guidelines here.
Departments can create their own policy on how they manage the 10% rebate earned through University Book Store purchases. If your department policy requires the purchaser to pursue the rebate from the UW Bookstore, then this amount must be deducted from the amount of the reimbursement. For more information, see the Reimbursements web page or the UW Bookstore Customer Rebate FAQ page.
Process the reimbursement through Travel by creating an expense report (ER) in Workday. Make sure to provide a Tax ID or published advertisement if a commercial lodging facility is other than a hotel. For further questions, please contact Travel directly. Note: For information on lease payments, please contact Real Estate.
Reimbursement for meals is usually under specific circumstances, because the UW does not normally pay for a person’s lunch during their work hours. Circumstances that the meal could be reimbursed are, as an example, if you hosted or attended a business meeting where a meal or light refreshment was an integral part of the meeting or a recognition or training event.