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This is generally discouraged, however during the pandemic certain accomodations were made for shipping. Please refer to your administrator for current protocol.
You need to contact the vendor and arrange for returning the item. If a payment has already been made, you need request a refund. Often times the vendor will issue a RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) or RGA (Return Goods Authorization) number to indicate their approval of the return. User should request this number from the vendor if it is part of Vendor’s return policy, and reference this number on the shipping label and other related correspondence.
Items that fall under Capital Projects:
Project Types
- University Administrative Policy Statements
- Procurement department policies and procedures
- RCW (Revised Code of Washington) Grants UW statutory authorities relating to procurement)
- WAC (Washington Administrative Code) Rules and Regulations regarding state agencies
- SAAM (State Administrative Accounting Manual) The minimum requirements state agencies must meet
- FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulations) Applies to federally funded purchases
- UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) Adopted by majority of states – sets standards for business transactions
The University generally may not make payment in advance of performance. Payment in advance for goods or services is generally prohibited by RCW 43.88.160. However, there are certain exceptions for which state law explicitly permits payment in advance and in certain instances, payment may be structured to accommodate a supplier's need for advance payment without violating state law. Examples include: membership, subscriptions, software/software updates, leases and travel.