Frequently Asked Questions

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Best Practices

Departments can purchase gift cards for employee recognition using their ProCard. The gift must be reported to Payroll because the gift is taxable. See the Employee Recognition webpage and the Employee Recognition FAQs.

The department should have a defined, documented and monitored procedure for how recognition works and the gift cards are given.

The gift cards must be treated like cash and managed using Cash Management controls.

The gift cards must be reported to Payroll as income by emailing the amounts of the recognition to

Note: Gift cards should not be purchased with one’s own credit card and then be reimbursed.

As a state institution, we do not issue money orders or cashier's checks.

Yes - you may look up the training guide "Pro-J-05" in the Bridge training website.

Invoices are submitted by suppliers to and will be uploaded by the system from there. Due to the unusually high volume of invoices due to FT, we cannot provide an average estimated timeline at this time.

To track supplier invoices, you may run the R1149 report and if the invoices show a paid status, run the R1146 report to get the actual payment date and payment number and method.

Yes - Bridge training "Pro-J-05" has instructions on receiving.

Per the guidance on the "For Suppliers" webpage, non-subcontract, standard goods and services use the email unless the supplier is integrated with GHX (suppliers should know whether they are integrated with GHX and this email does not apply); per the MRAM "July 13 Meeting Q&A Follow Up," the same guidance was provided for subawards to use the email as well.

Per the guidance on the "For Suppliers" webpage, suppliers use the email unless the supplier is integrated with GHX (suppliers should know whether they are integrated with GHX and this email does not apply).

Suppliers do not need to email invoices to departments first, for converted BPOs and doing so may cause delays in processing. Suppliers should be encouraged to follow the guidance on the "For Suppliers" webpage.

The supplier should email the invoice to rather than to Procurement. This is our permanent Workday process going forward.

It depends on what type of BPO it is. If it is a Non-Sub Award BPO, and the BPO is continuing, and additional invoices are expected, you should create a new BPO in Workday.

If on a Sub Award, check to see if the BPO transitioned to Workday and then, you will either need to submit a change request through SAGE or request a new BPO through SAGE. Work with GCA or OSP.

If they are not for a sub award, you can submit them via SIR or create a replacement BPO in Workday.

Check with GCA or OSP if they want the invoices paid outside of the subaward BPO.

Yes. If a non-subaward, the department should create a new BPO using the instructions linked on the Procurement Services Home page.

For SubAwards, they need to work with OSP and GCA to request a new BPO in SAGE.

This answer is dependent on whether the BPO was a subaward and was converted into Workday. If the BPO is in Workday, suppliers follow the guidance on the "For Suppliers" webpage, which is to use the

For SubAwards, they need to work with OSP and GCA to request a new BPO in SAGE.

For Non-Sub Awards, the department creates the replacement BPO in Workday and includes a comment referencing the old BPO# and the GHX email address,

Once the invoice is uploaded to Workday, the department will have to Receive and then, it will go through an approval process that can include Central AP, a Grant Manager, and a PI before the invoice is paid.

Per the guidance on the "For Suppliers" webpage, suppliers use the email unless the supplier is integrated with GHX (suppliers should know whether they are integrated with GHX and this email does not apply).  UW is using a feature from GHX called eInvoicing and the email is to support that GHX einvoicing feature (thus, there is no process for suppliers to email invoices to Workday or log into Workday).

We are currently researching this question and look forward to having a definitive answer soon. 

Yes, a UW Connect intake form is in process and will be deployed, soon.