Frequently Asked Questions

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Best Practices

A Supplier is a business entity (external to UW) that sells goods and services for a price to a customer. UW-registered suppliers are those entities or individual contractors which have provided their federally-registered information for verification and been approved for use in Workday as part of the procure-to-pay process. 

Use of UW Connect Finance has presented a significant learning curve, and all teams communicating within UWCF are bringing patience to their daily activities, utilizing office hours, and trying different methods of doing things within Connect to attempt to streamline and become as efficient as possible as soon as possible. We are definitely, learning together! 

One of our training team members was formerly on the PCS team, and both work closely with PCS (they are under the same manager) to create content. 

The catalog web page lists all the suppliers that have a catalog available in Workday at 

You would obtain a quote from the vendor. If there is specific pricing, you may also contact the Procurement contract manager for that contract for assistance.

Yes, Guy Brown is currently a catalog vendor in Workday. 

There is not a specific list; it depends on several factors: the vendor, the budget, the item being purchased, etc.  

We are currently researching this question and look forward to having a definitive answer soon. 

You may check the “Process History” tab for the routing status. A PO number will also appear in the “Sourcing” column on the line items when a PO has been issued.  

We are currently researching this question and look forward to having a definitive answer soon. 

All Purchase Orders are transmitted via email by Workday except catalog vendors, which are sent electronically via GHX. 

Contact the contract manager to correct the PO in order to avoid duplicate orders.  

We will have a contract review intake form available to campus soon (currently in progress). Until then, the contract review process for P2I is to manually send them via Connect or email to Procurement. 

Much like Ariba, suppliers can determine how a company or different areas of a company transact with the UW. Some are large companies with a single procurement intake point and single invoicing or Accounts Receivable team, while others are divided by mailing locations or divisions, and whether they choose to use the legal entity Taxpayer ID Number (TIN) or a subsidiary TIN. When asking for quotes, etc., it could be beneficial to review the locations available in Workday (if access allows) and point the supplier to the "For Suppliers" webpage if they have additional questions and need to contact supplier administrators at UW for clarity.

We are currently researching this question and look forward to having a definitive answer, soon.

We are currently researching this question and look forward to having a definitive answer, soon.

Unfinished verifications should show as a "draft." To find drafts, see the guide on the ProCard web page here, under "ProCard News"

We are currently researching this question and look forward to having a definitive answer, soon.

We are currently researching this question and look forward to having a definitive answer, soon.

We are currently researching this question and look forward to having a definitive answer, soon.