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Corporate Travel Account

Only UW faculty and staff are qualified for a card.

UW Travel Card is to be used for individual’s travel expenses only. Sharing a card is not recommended.

For travel reimbursement, card holders file an Expense Report through the UW Travel Office:



Applying for a UW Travel Card is optional. Yes, you can use your own personal credit cards to pay for your travel expenses and then seek for reimbursement.

CTA is a “card-less account” type of account. There is no actual plastic issued.

The CTA can be used to charge lodging only for:
  • UW Students. 
  • NON-UW travelers. 
  • Five (5) or more UW travelers attending a conference/group event in the U.S. or British Columbia, Canada where the UW is reserving and paying for the block of rooms and prior written approval has been obtained from the ProCard office ( 

Yes! Please always use a CTA account to pay for graduate students’ airfare and hotel lodging (room and sales tax only) whenever possible.

Your department’s CTA account will be automatically renewed by JPMC. The account number will remain the same, but the expiration date and 3 digits security code will change. Corporate Travel Services will send you an e-mail along with the new information a month in advance before the old expiration date expires.

You must pay the full balance on the card by the next billing statement.

The UW Travel Card is issued by JPMorgan Chase directly to the user. As such, it is governed by a contract that is solely between JPMorgan Chase and the cardholder. Cardholders are personally responsible for paying all charges on the UW Travel Card.

The contract between the cardholder and the bank requires full payment of the balance by the next billing statement, and if the cardholder fails to do so, late fees begin to incur at 60 days past due and the card is suspended.

Upon receipt of complete and proper documentation, the UW Travel Office reimburses official UW travel expenses in a timely manner through the online eTravel system. As a condition of accepting reimbursement from the UW, cardholders agree to use all of the reimbursement money to pay the charges in full on the UW Travel Card.

If there is a balance on the UW Travel Card, and the reimbursement money is not used to pay the balance in full, the cardholder will be subject to corrective actions for violating the terms of this policy, and will be subject to proceedings under the State Ethics Act. Using travel reimbursements for anything other than paying the corresponding travel charges constitutes fraud and will lead to corrective actions which may also include dismissal.

The contract between the cardholder and JPMorgan Chase permits communication between the bank and UW about the status of payments to the bank, including when cardholders do not honor the obligation to pay the statement balance in full by the due date. If the UW receives notice that a statement balance has not been paid in full by the due date, UW Corporate Travel Services will contact the cardholder and the department administrator to facilitate payment. 

  • An account becomes 60/90 days past due. 
  • Two (2) dishonored checks issued to JPMorgan Chase or reversal of two electronic payments routed to the bank. 
  • An account is repeatedly delinquent. 
  • Travel reimbursement is not used to pay all corresponding charges on the account. 
  • Using the card for personal charges. 
  • Individual is no longer on the University payroll (e.g. resignation, leave of absence without pay, etc.). 
  • Eighteen months with no account activity. 
  • Failure to comply with UW and State of Washington travel regulations.

If your account is terminated for delinquency, non-payments, improper use of reimbursements, or using the card for personal charges, the account cannot be reinstated.

Approximately 2 weeks after you receive your UW Travel Card account, your online access will be set up. You may login with your UW NetID and password to access to the JPMC Travel PaymentNet.