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Revolving Funds
The only deposits that are allowed in revolving fund bank accounts are for reimbursements associated with expenditures processed by the revolving fund desk. Departments that need to make a deposit for other UW related business should email for guidance.
- Voided checks occur when the check is written in error and the check is still in-hand. Write VOID across the check and keep the voided and keep it for your audit records.
- A canceled check is when the check is not in-hand but was not received by the research subject. It could be lost in the mail or the subject may have misplaced it. Verify the check has not cleared your revolving fund bank account before reissuing a new check.
- Checks that are 6+ months old need to be reported through the stale date process. Stale checks are still payable to the research subject and funds will be either claimed by the subject through the stale date process or reported as unclaimed property. Funds are not credited back to the department budget as they are still payable to the research subject.
Email to place orders for checks for Bank of America. For Wells Fargo, if you have the Superior Press form, you can complete the form and send it in. If you do not have the form, please email .
ATM and debit cards are not allowed to be tied to a revolving fund bank account.
The account only allows checks as a form of payment. If the research subject requires electronic payment, please utilize other payment options by emailing .