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Records relating to accidents/incidents involving adults who are students, guests, or the general public and where claims for damages are not filed. Includes but is not limited to reports and investigations.

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: 3 years after date of incident
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Records relating to accidents/incidents involving minors who are students, guests, or the general public and where claims for damages are not filed. Includes but is not limited to reports and investigations.

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: 3 years after individual reaches age 18
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

A reporting of incidents and accidents regarding employees, students, and visitors in and around the University.  Use of this form initiates the investigation/review process needed to improve workplace safety and health. Also provides record of third party injury claims filed against the University of Washington (UW) or University and Harborview Medical Centers.

Official Copy: Environmental Health and Safety: Occupational Safety and Health
Retention: 10 years after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Official Copy: Compliance and Risk Services
Retention: 10 years after claim resolved
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: Any Office
Retention: 3 years after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

A record of reporting to outside agencies on both the state and federal level as required by statute, regulation or rule. Includes USDA, L&I, OSHA etc.

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: 6 years after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Records of air sampling and evaluations for the presence of air contaminants to identify if employee(s) has (have) been exposed to chemical or toxic substances, particulates, aerosols, or fumes. Results are sent to offices for corrective actions.

Official Copy: Environmental Health & Safety: Occupational Safety and Health
Retention: 30 years after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: Any Office/Lab
Retention: 6 years after corrective action taken or 6 years after end of calendar year if no corrective action taken
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

A record of space renovation, capital projects and other improvements to department facilities. Includes Environmental Impact Statement.

Official Copy: Facilities/ Project Delivery Group/ Facilities Information Library / Maintenance and Construction
Retention: varies (refer to Department schedules)

Other Copy: Any Office
Retention: 3 years after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

A record of a department's request to change the posted building hours.

Official Copy: Building Coordinator
Retention: until superseded by new building hours
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Documentation of safety measures implemented in labs to ensure protection of employees against chemical exposure. The lab specific plan is part of the overall Lab Safety Manual. 

Official Copy: Any Lab
Retention: 6 years after superseded
Disposition Method: Transfer to University Archives

This series provides a record of the locations of toxic chemicals as required by WAC 296-802-20010. May include records from the retired Lab Safety System, which MyChem replaced.

Official Copy: Environmental Health & Safety: Environmental Programs Office
Retention: 30 years after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: Any Office/Lab (Hardcopy)
Retention: 1 year after superseded or office/lab closed
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

This series documents the discharge of treated chemicals into the sewer system.

Official Copy: Any Lab
Retention: 3 years after Calendar Year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

This series provides a record of supervisors who conduct controlled substance and alcohol training sessions and Commercial Driver’s License employees who attend the training. Includes driver’s signed receipt of the education materials, policies and supervisor training. As per 49 CFR 382.401.

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: 6 years after cessation of duties
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

This series provides a record of the administration of the controlled substances/alcohol testing program for Commercial Driver’s License employees. It may include employer’s copy of the alcohol test form, controlled substance test chain of custody and control form, previous employer background screen results if negative, refusal of driver to submit test, disputes of test results, etc. May also include agreements with testing facilities, testing policy and procedures, calibration documentation, records of driver violations, program summary reports, etc. Required as per 49 CFR 382.401

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: 5 years after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

This series provides a record of negative or cancelled controlled substances test results and alcohol test results, with a concentration of less than 0.02, for employees with a Commercial Driver’s License. See 49 CFR 382.401 for retention requirements.

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: 1 year after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

This series provides a record of the collection process for alcohol and controlled substances testing of employees with commercial driver’s licenses. May include collection logbooks, documents relating to the random selection process, and decision to administer post-accident tests or reasonable suspicions, documents verifying the existence of a medical explanation for the inability of the driver to provide testing samples, etc. See 49 CFR 382.401 for retention requirements.

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: 2 years after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Documents measures to help ensure the health and safety of personnel by reducing the potential for COVID-19 transmission at the UW. Plans are updated as regulations and public health guidance change. Includes the University Plan which covers all University work environments as well as unit-specific plans and work area or site-specific plans necessary and appropriate to address required COVID-19 prevention and control strategies. Also includes as COVID-19 Safe Start Checklists.

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: 6 years after cessation of safety measures
Disposition Method: Transfer to University Archives for review

For the purpose of COVID-19 symptom screening, provides a record of daily symptom self-attestation submitted by individuals who were present in-person at any UW worksite locations on a particular day. Attestations must be maintained separately from other records, including an individual’s personnel record.

Official Copy: Workday
Retention: 6 years after end of fiscal year
Disposition Method: Delete

Other Copy: Any office with people not attesting via Workday
Retention: 6 years after end of fiscal year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Created to support contact tracing activities to limit the spread of COVID-19, tracks visitor contact information for those who may come into close contact with University personnel. Does not include attestations for on-site employees.

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: 1 month after creation
Note: When requested, forward log records to UW Environmental Health & Safety Department (EH&S) and/or public health officials for contact tracing efforts.
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Department specific plan regarding health and safety concerns and the prevention of accidents. Also includes the emergency evacuation and operations plan. May include the Accident Prevention Plan, Supplemental Accident Prevention Plan or Job Hazard Analysis.

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: 6 years after superseded or updated
Disposition Method: Transfer to University Archives for review

Form provided by EH&S, Radiation Safety to document the use and disposal of unsealed radioactive material. Once the unsealed radioactive material is used, the Form 160 is sent to Radiation Safety from a lab, or the information on the Form 160 is entered into a database by the lab, to document the method of disposal for the radioactive material.

Official Copy: Environmental Health and Safety: Radiation Safety Office
Retention: Termination of UW radioactive materials license
Disposition Method: Transfer to University Archives

Other Copy: Any Lab
Retention: 1 years after copy is sent to Radiation Safety or entered into the Radiation Safety database by the lab
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Dosimetry data provided by the UW dosimetry vendor and uploaded to a database. The data is used to track radiation exposure and provided reports to individuals and UW area dosimeter coordinators (ADCs). This data supplements the information contained in the Radiation Worker Personnel Files, which contains the legal records of personnel exposure.

Official Copy: Environmental Health and Safety: Radiation Safety Office
Retention: 5 years after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Other Copy: College/School/Department or Lab
Retention: 5 years after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

This series provides a record that a fire drill was performed within a building.

Official Copy: Environmental Health and Safety: Occupational Safety & Health
Retention: 6 years after date of drill or exercise
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Other Copy: Any Office
Retention: 1 year after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Provides a record of permits issued by the local jurisdiction’s fire department. This includes Temporary Permits that are issued for a variety of activities that are conducted for a period not exceeding 6 months such as tents and canopies, open flame permits, food booths at fairs and festivals, hot work on marine vessels, and construction site activities. Also includes Annual Permits issued for places of assembly, hazardous activities, or operations conducted on an ongoing basis at either a fixed location or at a variety of locations. Annual permits most commonly include Assembly Permits, Hazardous Materials Permits, High Piled Storage Permits, and Hot Work Permits.

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: 6 years after expiration of permit
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Record of investigation of fires and incidents in UW buildings.  Includes photos, inspectors reports, interviews, details regarding alarm systems, etc.

Official Copy: Environmental Health and Safety: Occupational Safety and Health
Retention: 6 years after completion of investigation
Disposition Method: Shred or delete

Other Copy: Any Office
Retention: until completion of investigation
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Documents Occupational Safety and Health sampling and evaluation for the presence of chemical, biological, or physical agents to ensure employee exposure to substance are within regulatory limits.

Official Copy: Environmental Health and Safety: Occupational Safety & Health
Retention: 30 years after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: Any Office/Lab
Retention: 6 years after corrective action taken or 6 years after end of calendar year if no corrective action taken
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

A record of a department's request for collection of hazardous materials/waste by the Environmental Programs Office. Request may be for routine or one-time only pick-up.

Official Copy: Environmental Health and Safety: Environmental Programs Office
Retention: 1 year after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Other Copy: College/School/Department or Lab
Retention: 1 year after date of collection
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

This series includes facility signed manifests, land disposal restrictions, and certificates of disposal for hazardous waste.

Official Copy: Environmental Health and Safety: Environmental Programs Office
Retention: 30 years after the end of the calendar year
Disposition Method: Transfer to University Archives

Other Copy: Any Off-campus Facility
Retention: 5 years after site no longer generates hazardous or dangerous waste
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Provides a record of internal and external inspections or surveys of environmental issues to provide a safe and healthful workplace at the UW. Includes inspections of labs and equipment, food handling, water quality, hazardous materials and waste management, and animal facilities to ensure compliance with health and safety policies.  Also includes prevention and assessment inspections by the Environmental Health and Safety Assessment team and Washington Department of Ecology inspections.  May include inspection reports, test results, worksheets, etc.

Includes Inspection Reports for: Prevention and Assessment, Internal Safety Inspections, Hazardous Materials and Waste Management

Official Copy: Environmental Health and Safety
Retention: 30 years after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Other Copy: Any Lab
Retention: 6 years after last inspection
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Documented method for identifying and evaluating hazards associated with tasks (steps) with a specific job or activity and eliminating or mitigating them prior to conducting work. This document may be included as part of the Departmental Health and Safety Manual.

Official Copy: Any Office/Lab
Retention: 6 years after superseded
Disposition Method: Transfer to University Archives for review

Records documenting the authorization of access for employees, students, contractors, and volunteers to university buildings and offices through the use of electronic systems. Includes: badges, key cards (such as Husky Cards) or access codes.

For physical keys, see Key Records

Official Copy: Any office
Retention: 6 years after termination of access
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

A record of building keys, door keys, and equipment keys issued to individuals. May include various Key Request forms, Special Keying/Security Request form, Key Request Authorization memos, departmental key authorization memos, Individual Key Record forms, etc.

Official Copy: Facilities: Building Access and Keys
Retention: Refer to departmental schedule

Official Copy: Any Office - Individual Key Record forms; Key Authorization memos which may be internal within a department, etc.
Retention: until superseded by new lock or keyholder
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Provides record of Custodial Services notification to Building Coordinators of buildings having department(s) which have violated hazardous waste disposal regulations. 

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: 2 years after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

This form informs Facilities Services personnel that the equipment has been cleaned or decontaminated prior to service or removal for surplus.

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: 6 years after Service Date or Surplus
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Checklist for tracking and monitoring the inspection of autoclaves on campus. (Autoclaves are the steamers used to sterilize infectious waste prior to its disposal.) Includes equipment reports, maintenance checks, surveys, and identifies failures and repairs of identified deficiencies.

Official Copy: Any Lab
Retention: 6 years after disposal of asset
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Provides a record of instrument calibration. Calibration records must be sent to EH&S, Radiation Safety. Retention required by WAC 246-221-230 (9)(d) and 246-240-566.

Official Copy: Environmental Health and Safety: Radiation Safety Office
Retention: 3 years after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Office: Any Office
Retention: After Sent to Radiation Safety
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Internal logs used by labs to document the use and disposal of radioactive material to assist in the completion of the Form 160.  These logs may include Form 150, 159, 170, 176 or others designed by labs and considered an equivalent.

See Disposal of Radioactive Waste - Form 160 for retention of Form 160. 

Official Copy: Any Lab
Retention: 1 year after Form 160 sent to Radiation Safety or after entered into the Radiation Safety database by lab
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Rental agreements for departmental use of Fleet Services vehicles.  Includes agreements for short term use, application form for extended/long-term use, and requests and authorizations for overnight vehicle use.

Official Copy: Transportation Services: Fleet Services & Maintenance
Retention: 6 years after termination of rental agreement
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Official Copy: UWT: Motor Pool
Retention: 6 years after termination of rental agreement
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Other Copy: Any Office
Retention: 6 years after termination of rental agreement
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Manufacturer's guide to potential hazards of, and protection methods for, each chemical purchased. Maintained as part of MyChem. Also refer to Chemical Inventories

Official Copy: Environmental Health and Safety: Environmental Programs Office
Retention: 1 year after end of chemical use
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Other Copy: Any Office/Lab without immediate access to MyChem
Retention: until superseded or end of use of chemical in office/lab, whichever is longer
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Security measure surveys done of campus buildings upon request from a Director, Dean or Building Coordinator. Reports are used by departments to update/enhance security measures for their facilities.

Official Copy: UW Police
Retention: 1 year after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Transfer to University Archives for review

Other Copy: Dean/Director/Building Coordinator
Retention: 1 year after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Records documenting security incidents, responses and investigations relating to agency facilities, vehicles, equipment, etc. Includes but is not limited to incident documentation (such as security recordings, alarm logs/reports, entry/exit logs, incident reports, witness statements, etc.); records documenting services provided by outside vendors (such as notifications, credit monitoring, call center reports/logs/notes, etc.); records documenting corrective action taken; records documenting decision not to pursue the matter further; and related communications. Includes assessments of threats received relating to targeted violence towards staff, students, and others.  Excludes UWPD incident and case files.

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: 6 years after matter resolved
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Records relating to the routine security monitoring of the agency’s infrastructure, buildings, vehicles, equipment, etc., where an incident has not occurred. Includes, but is not limited to alarm reports, audio/visual recordings including dash cams (digital or analog), and security patrol logs.

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: 30 days or until determined that no security incident has occurred, whichever is sooner
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Listings of confidential codes or passwords assigned to individuals in a department for access to building security systems, copiers, computer systems, the UWATS long distance telephone system, etc.

Official Copy: Issuing and Receiving Departments
Retention: until administrative purpose is served
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Affidavits signed by teaching assistants or lab instructors verifying that they have been trained on the use of equipment and chemicals specific to the lab in which they are teaching or working.

Official Copy: Any Office/Lab
Retention: 6 years after termination of employment
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Provides a record of accidents/collisions involving State owned motor vehicles. 

Official Copy: UW Police Department
Retention: 5 years after end of Calendar Year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: Any Office
Retention: 3 years after the end of the calendar year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Plan covers specific health and safety topics related to the worksites and job hazards within an individual department. May be included as part of the Departmental Health and Safety Manual.

Official Copy: Any Office/Lab
Retention: 6 years after superseded
Disposition Method: Transfer to University Archives for review 

Survey completed by lab staff to document radioactive contamination levels in lab. Survey is completed as required by Radiation Safety guidelines. A lab may keep their own record of surveys performed, or enter the survey into the Radiation Safety database.

Official Copy: EH&S: Radiation Safety Office
Retention: 5 years after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Transfer to University Archives for review

Official Copy: Any Lab - If Survey is not entered into Radiation Safety Database
Retention: 5 years after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: Any Lab - If Survey is entered into Radiation Safety Database
Retention: Data entered and verified
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Permit to have food served at a temporary event. Includes form and notification of approval or denial. 

Official Copy: Environmental Health and Safety: Campus Preventive Health
Retention: 6 years after end of calendar year in which event took place
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Other Copy: Any Office
Retention: 3 months after event
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Listing of Environmental Health and Safety training which UW employees have completed. May included downloaded reports of certificates of completion from the EH&S Safety Training tool.

Official Copy: Environmental Health and Safety: Occupational Safety & Health
Retention: 7 years after termination of employment
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: Any Office
Retention: 3 years after termination of employment
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Provides record of vehicle history for vehicles owned by office or owned by Fleet Services.  Most vehicles are maintained by Fleet Services.  May include Fleet Services maintenance and repair history, purchase, title and registration, accidents and manuals accompanying vehicle. May include digital photographs of any damage to vehicle.

Official Copy: Vehicles Owned by Any Office
Retention: 6 years after disposal of asset
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Other Copy: Any Office (vehicles leased from Fleet Services)
Retention: 0 years after lease expires
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

This series provides a record of employees who voluntarily use disposable filtering face-piece respirators.

Note: These records are no longer required or being created. Any records created before 2022 should be maintained for the following retention period. For current policy guidelines on Voluntary Respirator Use, contact EH&S.

Official Copy:  Any Lab
Retention:  6 years after termination of voluntary use
Disposition Method:  Shred or Delete