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Documentation of charges and billing process for goods and/or services rendered.  Documents adjustments to accounts.  May include (determination of fees) documentation, work orders or service requests (may be in the form of field orders or invoice vouchers) logs of goods and/or services provided, receipts, billing statements and related documents.

Note: These records are now generated through Workday and do not have to be saved or printed. Records created before July 2023 should be maintained for the following retention period

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: 6 years after submission of a financial status report
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

A record of awarded grant or contract. May include Request for Approval of Application for Grant or Contract, Proposal for Grant or Contract, award letter/notice, agreements (including supplements or amendments), Notice to Establish Account, correspondence, final equipment inventory, project/planning files, etc.

Official Copy: Office of Sponsored Programs
Retention: 6 years after termination of contract
Disposition Method: Transfer to University Archives for review

Official Copy: Equipment Inventory Office
Retention: 6 years after final disposition of equipment
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Other Copy: College/School or Department
Retention: 6 years after close of study
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

A record of proposals and administration records for faculty and student research support awarded from funds established within a School or department. May include applications for funding from the Graduate School Research Fund, Royalty Research Fund, departmental research funds, etc. Funds may support research, interdisciplinary programs, honoraria, faculty and student travel, equipment, recruitment of graduate students, co-sponsorship of conferences, publication subsidies, etc. May include applications, proposals, correspondence, project/planning files, etc.

Official Copy: College/School or Department Distributing Internal Research Funds
Retention: 6 years after termination of project funded by award
Disposition Method: Transfer to University Archives for review

Other Copy: Principal Investigator or Applicant
Retention: 6 years after termination of project funded by award
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Provides a record of University grant or contract proposals denied support by funding agencies.  May include but is not limited to: Proposal for grant or contract, Denial Letter, Request for Approval of Application (EGC-1), correspondence, notes, project/planning files.

Official Copy: Office of Sponsored Programs
Retention: 1 year after end of month in which denial letter is received
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: College/School or Department
Retention: 1 year after end of month in which denial letter is received
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

A record of grant and contract proposals for which no award decision has been made by a funding agency. May include but is not limited to: Proposal for Grant or Contract, Request for Approval of Application for Grant or Contract (EGC-1), correspondence, notes.

Official Copy: Office of Sponsored Programs
Retention: 2 years after date EGC-1 Approved
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: College/School or Department
Retention: 2 years after submittal
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

A record of proposals for faculty and student research support awarded from funds established within a School or department. May include but is not limited to: applications for funding from the Graduate School Research Fund, Royalty Research Fund, departmental research funds.  Funds may support research, interdisciplinary programs, honoraria, faculty and student travel, equipment, recruitment of graduate students, co-sponsorship of conferences, publication subsidies, etc.  May include applications, proposals, correspondence, project/planning files, etc.

Official Copy: College/School or Department Distributing Internal Research Funds
Retention: 6 years after termination of project funded by award
Disposition Method: Transfer to University Archives for review

Other Copy: Principal Investigator or Applicant
Retention: 3 years after termination of project funded by award
Disposition Method: Transfer to University Archives for review

A record of unawarded applications for faculty and student research support funds established within a School or department. May include applications for funding from the Graduate School Research Fund, Royalty Research Fund, departmental research funds, etc. May include applications, proposals, correspondence, project/planning files, etc.

Official Copy: College/School or Department Distributing Internal Research Funds
Retention: 1 year after notification of denial
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: Principal Investigator or Applicant
Retention: 1 year after notification of denial
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Documentation of findings reported as a result of an audit by either UW Internal Audit, the State Auditor, a Federal Agency, or independent auditing firm. Audits include site visits, program reviews, etc. 

Official Copy: UW Internal Audit (for financial audits)
Retention: 6 years after conclusion of audit
Disposition Method: Transfer to University Archives

Official Copy: Any Audited Office (for site visits and program reviews)
Retention: 6 years after conclusion of audit
Disposition Method: Transfer to University Archives for review

Documentation used by UW Recharge/Cost/Service Centers to prepare Cost Transfer Invoices (CTIs), Internal Sales Documents (ISDs), recharge documents, journal vouchers, or invoices for the purpose of charging other budgets or non-UW entities for services or supplies. May describe in greater detail than billing document the service or supplies provided. May include work orders, service requests, logs of goods/services provided, etc. 

Note: These records are now generated through Workday and do not have to be saved or printed. Records created before July 2023 should be maintained for the following retention periods

Official Copy: Any Issuing Office
Retention: 6 years after submission of a financial status report 
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Other Copy: Any Receiving Office
Retention: 3 years after submission of a financial status report
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Provides a record of University efforts to manage, reduce, or eliminate Financial Conflicts of Interest between Investigators and Innovators and Companies, or other external organizations who fund research, collaborate on research, or for which Investigators have a Significant Financial Interest which may include providing outside professional services. Records for sponsored research are initiated at time of proposal, records for internal research and technology transfer are initiated by first disclosure or request to review by researcher or other administrative unit. Files are established when an employee with the designated role of Investigator involved in University research, or Innovator for technology transfer has a Financial Conflict of Interest between outside interests or activities and research, sponsored program, or technology transfer occurring at the University.

Official Copy: Office of Research: Administration
Retention: 6 years after close of study
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: College/School or Department and Principal Investigator
Retention: 6 years after close of study
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Provides a record of University efforts to ensure there is no Financial Conflict of Interest between Investigators and the companies, or other external organizations who fund research, collaborate on research, or for which Investigators have a Significant Financial Interest which may include providing outside professional services. Digital records are created at time of proposal and are retained in the Financial Interest Disclosure System (FIDS).

Official Copy: Office of Research: Administration
Retention: 1 year after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: College/School or Department and Principal Investigator
Retention: 1 year after end of calendar year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Records relating to the permission granted by adult subjects receiving professional services rendered by a psychologist. (As per WAC 246-924-354). 

Official Copy: College/School or Department
Retention: 8 years after last contact with client
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Records relating to the permission granted by parent, legal guardian or other adult, for minors under the age of 14 to receive professional services rendered by a psychologist, as well as records of assent by children receiving professional services rendered by a psychologist.  (As per WAC 246-924-354)

Official Copy: College/School or Department
Retention: 22 years after date of birth
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Records relating to the permission granted by parent, legal guardian or other adult, for minors between the ages of 14 through 22 to receive professional services rendered by a psychologist, as well as records of assent by children receiving professional services rendered by a psychologist.  (As per WAC 246-924-354)

Official Copy: College/School or Department
Retention: 8 years after last contact with client
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Records relating to the permission granted by adult subjects for themselves, or in the case of a minor, by a parent or legal guardian, as well as records of assent by children, for participation in a human subject research program, and/or clinical studies/trials.

Official Copy: Principal Investigator
Retention: 6 years after close of study
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Provides a record of information collected via a form, log, or electronic submission that is used for data entry into a database or spreadsheet. May include financial data, research data, employee information, survey responses, questionnaires, student information, etc.

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: Data entered and verified
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Documents certification by research faculty that their payroll distributions are a reasonable reflection of their actual effort. (Formerly known as Faculty Effort Certification)

Official Copy: Post Award Fiscal Compliance
Retention: 6 years after end of fiscal year (after reporting period end date)
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Other Copy: College/School or Department
Retention: 1 year after end of fiscal year
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Applications submitted to Embryonic Stem Cell Research Review Oversight (ESCRO) Committee and/or the Embryonic Stem Cell Research Chair for approval to use stem cells in research projects. Files may include, but are not limited to, the following: master copy of applications, Review Committee's disposition documentation, investigator's responses to the Committee, consent forms, sponsor research protocols, correspondence and supporting papers, modifications to applications, annual status reports, copy of Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) approvals, and other relevant Compliance Office approvals. 

Official Copy: Office of Research: Administration
Retention: 6 years after study termination
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: Principal Investigator
Retention: 6 years after close of study, or 3 years after study termination if research is not grant/contract funded
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Applications for research using stem cells that were denied by the ESCRO Committee and/or the ESCRO Chair. May include, but not limited to, the following: application, sample consent forms, ESCRO's disposition documentation, the investigator's responses to the Committee, sponsor protocols, copy of EH&S's approval, correspondence and supporting documentation, modifications to applications, application annual reviews, non-compliance documentation, records requests.

Official Copy: Office of Research: Administration
Retention: 1 year after end of academic year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: Principal Investigator
Retention: 1 year after end of academic year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Applications for research using stem cells that were withdrawn from consideration. May include, but not limited to: application, consent forms, ESCRO's disposition documentation, the investigator's responses to the Committee, sample sponsor protocols, copy of EH&S's approval, documentation of withdrawal.

Official Copy: Office of Research: Administration
Retention: 1 year after application withdrawn
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: Principal Investigator
Retention: 1 year after application withdrawn
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

A record certifying changes from the normal number of hours worked by each permanent employee paid on a particular budget for a particular pay period. Includes leave without pay, overtime, shift differentials, etc.

Note: These records are now generated through Workday and do not have to be saved or printed. Records created before July 2017 should be maintained for the following retention periods:

Official Copy: Payroll
Retention: 6 years after end of month
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: College/School or Department
Retention: 3 years after submission of a financial status report
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

This series provides a record of the documentation required to be retained on the exports of commodities, software, or technology from the United States. It also includes a record of any known re-exports, trans-shipment, or diversions of items exported from the United States as per Export Administration Regulation 762.6. Documentation includes export control documents, memoranda, invitations to bid, financial records, etc.

Official Copy: Any office
Retention: 5 years after whichever is later of the following: export of the commodities, software, or technology any known re-export, transfer (in country), trans-shipment, or diversion of the commodities, software or technology

Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Provides a record of field advances, which provide a temporary source of funds that cannot be paid for using traditional methods (i.e. purchase orders, check requests, UW Travel/Procurement credit cards).  Issued to individuals conducting official UW business in remote areas where checks and credit cards are not accepted, or issued as foreign per diem advances for individuals not on UW payroll, or may also be used as research subject and incentive payments when a revolving fund account is not applicable.  May include field advance banking information, receipts, and reconciliation.

Note: These records are now generated through Workday and do not have to be saved or printed. Records created before July 2023 should be maintained for the following retention period

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: 6 years after submission of a financial status report
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Records of financial transactions on grants and contracts including non-FEC (Faculty Effort Certification) cost share documentation.  Includes the following financial records:

  • Cash Transmittals (CTs)
  • Cost Transfer Invoices (CTIs)
  • Memo to Request an Advance Notice
  • Credit Card Receipts
  • ProCard transaction approval and reconciliation including reviewed and signed Transaction Detail Report, invoices, and receipts
  • Central Travel Account (CTA) approvals and reconciliations including reviewed and signed UW Transaction Detail with Notes & Account Codes Report, invoices and receipts
  • Packing Slips
  • Petty Cash (Revolving Fund) Records including Application for Revolving Fund
  • Petty Cash Vouchers with supporting documents such as sales slips, cash register receipts, paid invoices
  • Receipt for Petty Cash Advance and study subject compensation records
  • Internal Purchase Approvals
  • Banking Records including deposit slips, canceled checks, reconciliations and monthly statements
  • Delegations of Authority
  • Food and Beverages for Meeting, Training Sessions and Recognition Awards Ceremonies forms

Note: These records are now generated through Workday and do not have to be saved or printed. Records created before July 2023 should be maintained for the following retention periods

Official Copy: Procurement Services 
Retention: Variable, depending upon departmental retention schedule
Disposition Method: Recycle or Shred or Delete

Official Copy: Grant and Contract Accounting 
Retention: 6 years after submission of a financial status report
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Other Copy: College/School or Department
Retention: 6 years after submission of a financial status report
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Records of financial transactions on gift budgets established by Grant and Contract Accounting.  May include but is not limited to:

  • Cash Transmittals (CTs)
  • Cost Transfer Invoices (CTIs)
  • Memo to Request an Advance Notice
  • Credit Card Receipts
  • ProCard transaction approval and reconciliation including reviewed and signed Transaction Detail Report, invoices, and receipts
  • CTA approvals and reconciliations including reviewed and signed UW Transaction Detail with Notes & Account Codes Report, invoices and receipts
  • Packing Slips
  • Petty Cash (Revolving Fund) Records including Application for Revolving Fund
  • Petty Cash Vouchers with supporting documents such as sales slips, cash register receipts, paid invoices
  • Receipt for Petty Cash Advance and study subject compensation records
  • Internal Purchase Approvals
  • Banking Records including deposit slips, canceled checks, reconciliations and monthly statements
  • Delegations of Authority.

Note: These records are now generated through Workday and do not have to be saved or printed. Records created before July 2023 should be maintained for the following retention periods

Official Copy: Grant and Contract Accounting
Retention: 6 years plus 90 days after termination
Disposition Method: Recyle or Delete

Official Copy: College/School or Department
Retention: 6 years after end of fiscal year
Disposition Method: Recylce or Delete

Applications submitted to Institutional Review Board Committee for approval to use human subjects in research projects. Files may include, but are not limited to, the following: applications, Review Committee's disposition documentation, investigator's responses to the Committee, sample consent forms, sponsor research protocols, correspondence and supporting papers, modifications to applications, annual status reports, adverse effect reports, safety reports, copy of Radiation Safety Committee review, subject complaints, and final status report.

Official Copy: Human Subjects Division
Retention: 10 years after study termination
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: Principal Investigator
Retention: 6 years after close of study, or 6 years after study termination if research is not grant/contract funded
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Applications for research using Human Subjects that were determined to be exempt from the regulations. May include, but is not limited to: application, sample consent form(s), reviewer disposition documentation, and correspondence between HSD and the researcher.

Official Copy: Human Subjects Division
Retention: 6 years after termination of study
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: Principal Investigator
Retention: 5 years after termination of study
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Records or products developed or produced as the result of a research grant or grant agreement.  May include but is not limited to:  reports, studies, surveys, educational materials, prototypes, publications, videos, recordings, and multi-media materials.

Official Copy: Principal Investigator
Retention: 6 years after close of study
Disposition Method: Transfer to University Archives for review

Records relating to the permission granted for access to or use of protected health information.

Official Copy: Principal Investigator
Retention: 6 years after close of study or the date the authorization was last in effect, whichever is longer.
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

A record of denied requests for the use of human subjects in research. May include but is not limited to: application, sample consent forms, Review Committee's Disposition documentation, investigator's responses to the Committee, sponsor protocols, copies of Radiation Safety Committee Review, supporting documentation, modifications of applications, Adverse Event Reports, correspondence and non-compliance documentation, record requests, safety reports, complaints.

Official Copy: Human Subjects Division
Retention: 10 years after end of academic year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: Principal Investigator
Retention: 6 years after denial
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Applications for research using human subjects that were withdrawn from consideration. Includes application, sample consent forms, investigator's response to the Committee, sample sponsor protocols, copy of Radiation Safety Committee review, and documentation of withdrawal.

Official Copy: Human Subjects Division
Retention: 1 year after application withdrawn
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: Principal Investigator
Retention: 1 year after application withdrawn
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Data gathered from departments regarding expenses from a particular budget that cannot be included on an indirect cost proposal. Used to develop the UW's indirect cost study.

Official Copy: Management Accounting and Analysis
Retention: 10 years after last year of current rate
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete  

Other Copy: College/School or Department
Retention: 3 years after end of quarter
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete  

Data gathered from departments about the allocation of staff time for various activities -- research, instruction, administration, etc. Used to develop the UW's annual indirect cost study.

Official Copy: Management Accounting and Analysis
Retention: 10 years after last year of current rate
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Other Copy: College/School or Department
Retention: 3 years after end of quarter
Disposition Method: Recycle or Delete

Personally identifiable information (such as name, birth date, SSN, DOB, contact info, medical record number) that can connect records/data back to an individual enrolled in a study and is collected as part of research activities, including human subjects research, human subject research that has "exempt" status, and clinical trials or studies (all phases). Note: Applies to personal identifiers associated with non-FDA regulated research. For personal identifiers associated with FDA regulated research see: Research Data -- Device Development and Research Data -- Drug Development. Note: Longer retention periods may be required by study sponsors or federal agencies.

Official Copy: Principal Investigator
Retention: Until Study Closed
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

A record certifying the number of hours worked by each hourly and student employee on a particular budget during a particular pay period.

Note: These records are now generated through Workday and do not have to be saved or printed. Records created before July 2017 should be maintained for the following retention periods:

Official Copy: Payroll
Retention: 6 years after end of month
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: College/School or Department
Retention: 3 years after submission of a financial status report
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Requests by researchers to use animals in their research. Requests, including descriptions of project and procedures which will be performed on animals, are reviewed by the Animal Care Committee. Includes project description, procedures, signed certifications, amendments, and monitoring reports.

Official Copy: Office of Animal Welfare
Retention: 6 years after approval expires or is superseded by new approval
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: Principal Investigator
Retention: 6 years after final termination of grant/contract or 6 years after study termination if research is not grant/contract funded
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Signed report which provides a means of payroll verification for Principal Investigator of a grant or contract (formerly known as Grant and Certification Report).

Official Copy: Post Award Fiscal Compliance
Retention: 6 years after end of fiscal year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Official Copy: College/School or Department (for records prior to July 2023)
Retention: 6 years after end of fiscal year
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Note: These records are now generated through Workday and do not have to be saved or printed. Records created before July 2023 should be maintained for the following retention periods

Records relating to permission granted by participants who consented to participate in a research registry. This includes permission granted by adult subjects for themselves, or in the case of a minor, by a parent or legal guardian, as well as records of assent by children. These consent forms are used to prove that subjects have given their consent to participate in the research registry along IRB guidelines and to be considered as eligible for future research studies.

Official Copy: Principal Investigator
Retention: 6 years after termination or expiration of instrument
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Note: If an individual is removed from the registry pool before the pool is terminated, begin counting the six year retention period at that time.

A record of project progress, summaries or evaluations prepared during the course of and/or at the end of the study and submitted to the sponsor.

Official Copy: Principal Investigator
Retention: 6 years after close of study
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

This series provides a record of individuals who have consented to allow human subjects research data to be placed in a data repository. This research data may then be used by researchers during the course of future studies. Collected research data may include blood, urine, saliva, survey data, x-rays, etc. Once entered into a repository, collected research data is maintained without personal identifiers until the repository closes.

Official Copy: Principal Investigator
Retention: 6 years after repository closed
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Research documentation and raw data (including personal identifiers) obtained in the course of a FDA-regulated study to develop a device. May include Investigators' Notebooks (laboratory notes documenting the results of experiments), patient files, case files, and other records of the dates, quantity and use of a device on subjects. Also includes all correspondence with other investigators, the IRB, the sponsor, a monitor, or FDA, including required reports.

Official Copy: Principal Investigator
Retention: 30 Years after the close of the study if FDA status is unknown; or, 2 years after the latter of the following two dates: The date on which the investigation is terminated or completed, or the date that the records are no longer required for purposes of supporting a premarket approval application, a notice of completion of a product development protocol, a humanitarian device exemption application, a premarket notification submission, or a request for De Novo classification.
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Research documentation and raw data (including personal identifiers) obtained in the course of a FDA-regulated study to develop a drug. May include Investigators' Notebooks (laboratory notes documenting the results of experiments), patient files, case files, and other records of the dates, quantity and use of a drug on subjects. Also includes all correspondence with other investigators, the IRB, the sponsor, a monitor, or FDA, including required reports.   

Official Copy: Principal Investigator
Retention: 30 Years after close of study if FDA status is unknown; or 2 years following the date a marketing application is approved by the FDA; or, for drug studies where no application is to be filed or if the application is not approved for such indication, retain all records for 2 years after the investigation is discontinued and FDA is notified. 
Disposition Method:  Shred or Delete

Records and documentation that is associated with research activities. Includes records relating to research and data collection methods for human subjects research, human subject research that has “exempt” status, clinical trials or studies (all phases), and animal research.

May include: research protocols and instruction documentation; case report forms; subject recruitment; screening, selection and eligibility documentation; correspondence with subjects and organizations providing subjects; computer software for administering tests to research participants; abstracted information from medical records; assay results; data gathering, responses (e.g., interviews, notes, questionnaires, abstracted or summarized information); evaluations and research analysis; notes, interviews, summary sheets, data analysis; summary documentation; reports; logs; forms; PI notes; lab manuals and notebooks; non-study-specific guidelines, protocols, checklists; contracts and other agreements; pre-site documentation; study close out documentation; and all correspondence.

Also includes records, correspondence and reports relating to non-financial compliance activity as well as industry, federal, state, non-profit, or international regulatory requirements regarding research activities.

May include IRB or IRB subcommittee applications (including all attachments and all correspondence with the IRB and the IRB office); delegation documentation, required training documentation; drug and device logs; safety documentation; confidentiality documentation; data and safety monitoring reports; records related to adverse events, data breaches, non-compliance issues, and any unanticipated problems; records related to external monitoring or auditing of research activity; records associated with specialized compliance requirements such as Radiation Safety, Institutional Biosafety, FERPA, CLIA laboratory certification, and use of embryonic stem cells (ESCRO).

May also include any records created or gathered during the course of anticipating research activity, but due to lack of funds or termination by sponsor, the trial or study did not open, and in the case of human subject research, human subjects were not enrolled.

These record series were merged into Research Records and Data:

  • Clinical Trials Phase I-IV Research Data
  • Investigator; Report of Project Status
  • Research Data -- Biomedical Treatment or Intervention (Drug, Device or Surgical Procedure/Intervention)
  • Research Data -- Non-Biomedical Treatment or Intervention (Non Drug, Device or Surgical Procedure/Intervention)
  • Research Data-- Sponsor Required Contractual Obligation
  • Research Data -- Exempt from Human Subjects Review

Note: Longer retention periods may be required for international or multi-site research or trials, which may be determined by the location of the primary PI. Longer retention periods may also be required by corporate sponsors or certain agencies (e.g., federal Department of Justice). Note: This does not include research requiring FDA approval or involvement. Note: Does not include consent forms, assent forms or HIPAA authorizations.

Official Copy: Principal Investigator
Retention: 6 years after close of study
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Research registries are a data collection of potential research study participants who have specific conditions or diagnoses. The potential research participants who are listed in the registry have consented to be contacted to participate in future research studies. Formal registries are Institutional Review Board IRB-approved and are often accompanied by a consent form to participate in the registry. Also includes non-IRB approved research registries or data holdings.

Excludes: Research records and data created as part of a research study that is being repurposed as a research registry.

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: 6 years after close of registry
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Records related to research studies that are used to assemble a pool of individuals for future research studies. The repository may contain data. The subject information may be used by researchers in future studies. Some repositories have Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval. Also includes non-IRB approved research repository subject pools.

This series includes, but is not limited to:
• Data or information about potential study participants;
• Survey data, x-rays, etc.

Note: Research repositories may include biological specimens or samples (i.e. blood, urine, saliva, tissue samples, etc). For the retention of laboratory and/or pathology specimens, Washington State Archives recommends agencies refer to the retention guidelines issued by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB), the College of American Pathologists (CAP), the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA), and applicable state and federal codes and regulations.

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: 6 years after close of repository
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Provides record of hours worked by grant/contract funded employees.

Note: These records are now generated through Workday and do not have to be saved or printed. Records created before July 2017 should be maintained for the following retention periods:

Other Copy: College/School or Department
Retention: 6 years after submission of a financial status report
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Provides a record of communications regarding grant and gift budgets between UW offices/departments and UW Finance Research Compliance and Operations. Includes both general and customized responses to questions about budget, spending, and procurement. (UW Connect is a customer support system which helps UW Finance serve their customers and manage their work through information intake and customer support workflow capabilities, including ticketing and content management.)

Official Copy: UW Finance
Retention: 6 years after fiscal year that a record is closed
Disposition Method: Delete/Purge

Other Copy: Any office
Retention: Issue resolved
Disposition Method: Delete/Purge

This series documents the process of applying for and receiving Visas for foreign travel. Records may contain Visa application, travel itinerary, Customs Letters, immunizations letters, and other correspondence between the receiving country and the University of Washington as needed.

Official Copy: College/School or Department
Retention: 6 years after return from trip
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete