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Statistical, descriptive and evaluative materials necessary for a program, college or school to maintain accreditation with the professional association which sets the standards for that particular discipline.  Materials must have been created specifically for accreditation.

Official Copy: Dean's or Academic Offices
Retention: 6 years after accreditation, or until superseded by new accreditation, whichever is longer
Disposition Method: Transfer to University Archives for review

A record of applicants for UW admission into an undergraduate, graduate, fellowship, or residency program, residence hall, or student classification who were either denied; who were accepted but not entered; or who never completed the application process.

Official Copy: Admissions Offices or Any College/School or Department with an Admission Process
Retention: 1 year after completion of admission process
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: Student Services (Seattle and Tacoma)
Retention: 1 year after completion of admission process
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: UWB: Housing and Residential Life
Retention: 1 year after completion of admission process
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

A record of applicants accepted for admission and enrolled in a UW graduate program.

Official Copy: Graduate School
Retention: 6 years after degree awarded, or 6 years after last quarter of activity
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: College/School or Department
Retention: 6 years after degree awarded, or 6 years after last quarter of activity
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

A record of applicants accepted for admission to and enrolled in a UW undergraduate program.

Official Copy: UW Seattle, Tacoma, and Bothell Undergraduate Admissions Offices
Retention: 9 years after the beginning of Fall Quarter of the academic year of admission
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Other Copy: College/School or Department
Retention: 6 years after degree awarded, or 6 years after last quarter of activity
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

Records used to monitor student academic progress. May include transcripts from transfer institutions, learning contracts for independent study, research or internship credits, grade reports, Advisor's Worksheets, study abroad files, etc.  Advisors files may include substantive material received through email, or created or maintained as a Digital File. Note: Paper records which are printouts or duplicates of a digital file may be shredded at any time.

Official Copy: Any Advisory Office
Retention: 1 year after student inactive or graduated
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete

A record of program agreements between UW offices and outside agencies. May include the following types of agreements: those that provide/obtain a learning experience for students outside the classroom, e.g., internships, clerkships, clinical practicums, traineeships, etc.; that provide/obtain reduced tuition and preference in admission for WWAMI (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho) region students or students from participating schools in other countries.

Official Copy: Any Office Signing the Agreement
Retention: 6 years after termination of agreement
Disposition Method: Transfer to University Archives for review

Provides a record of awards/special recognition and achievements for a particular student.  May include Zoom or other conferencing platform recordings of event. Does not include scholarships.

Official Copy: Any Office
Retention: 6 years after award presented
Disposition Method: Shred or Delete