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Workday Expense
We recommend using Google Chrome when processing an Expense Report (ER) in Workday as it has reported the least amount of issues.
Alternative web browsers do work but we have come across some minor bugs in them. Mozilla Firefox we have come across the most issues with over the years.
We also recommend making sure that your Google Chrome is up to date and is set to automatically stay up to date. The Workday developers match the system with more current versions of web browsers so it's generally best to let your web browsers stay up to date. Here are some screenshots that walk through how to check on this for Google Chrome:
All UW employee are able to create Expense Reports for themselves. For creating ERs on behalf of others, the Expense Data Entry Specialist Security Role must be assigned to the user.
The initiator and individuals on the approval flow (Shared Environment Expense Specialist, Funding Manager) receive email notifications indicating the ER status unless each changes their own email notification preferences.
After submitting an expense report, a questionnaire will appear to fill out regarding personal time. Under "Did you take any personal days or trips while traveling for business?", Select "Yes". In the box below, please provide dates, times, and location of personal travel. Airfare costs for destination other than the UW business location is not reimbursable and must be deducted from the total airfare cost. Learn more about responsibilities during personal time.
Click on the County Info link to identify if the city is in a high cost county for domestic locations. Learn more. Select Other when the location is not listed for Foreign and Non-Contiguous areas. Learn more.
Receipts must be attached to ER for all expenses $75 or over and all receipts regardless of costs for airfare, lodging,rail, car rental, laundry, and meals paid on the behalf for others are required.
* Ensure you check with your department/medical center administrators on which receipts they require.
Miscellaneous Payments may be split by adding a line item. (Click Photo to Enlarge)
Expense Reports may be split under the Itemization or the Daily Expenses of expense items. Users can insert by clicking the Add button. (Click Photos to Enlarge)
Please note: In the ER module, Workday does not allow equal splitting. Using the example above, it cannot be split $35 and $35 as this will cause a "Duplicate" error to appear. The workaround is to put $34.99 on Budget 1 and $35.01 on Budget 2.
Here is an example for Lodging: (Department splitting 50% between 2 budgets)
For Room Rate, (1) the Confirm Number of Nights field must be the total number of nights (2) the Number of Nights field is the amount of nights being reimbursed by the budget.
Here is an example for Meals: (Department splitting 50% between 2 budgets)
Create one reduced per diem - meals expense item making sure to use the correct one in relation to the travel destination. Enter the details in total as you normally would. Above we split the Dayton daily per diem of $64 for 3 days and entered it as a whole first.
Then add itemization lines to break the expense into two and make sure to change the expense dates on each itemization line if they are to be matching amounts such as in our 50/50 split above. (Note: this only applies to meal per diem as it spans across multiple days and the expense date may be changed)
Below you can see how each itemization line was entered with different resource tags:
Resource Tag 1:

Resource Tag 2:

PCA codes will be changed into Worktags in Workday. Please input these Worktags into the "Additional Worktags" in the header or individually per line item.
Travel expenses paid by CTA and Procard will be recorded through a Procard Verification (Task: Verify Procurement Card Transactions) OR a separate expense report (Business Purpose: CTA Verification). They cannot be combined into an ER for Business Travel Reimbursement.
UW employees are no longer required to approve their expense reports and are not part of the approval flow process in Workday.
As of January 1, 2018, due to changes in the tax code, all moving and travel expenses regarding relocation has been moved to Workday through the Moving Expenses "Request One-Time Payment" Module.
For UW Employees, input the total amount for all participants (including themselves) into the Lodging Per Diem item. If there is an overage, input the overage amount under the Daily Expenses in the Lodging Per Diem - Overage item and write into the memo field, "Claimant - # of travelers". Please enter the other travelers' names, purpose of trip, home address (city and state), and duty station (city and state) in the ER comment section.
Meals paid for others are separate from this and are reimbursed at actual costs as evidenced by receipts and cannot exceed the allowable meal per diem rate per person according to the location of travel.
For Non-employees, in the Miscellaneous Payment module, the initiator will choose Claimant in the Payee field.
If the ER is submitted and completely approved prior to 6:00pm, the check is issued the following day.
Select Wire from the Payment Type options. Include applicable information and attach to the ER in Workday with applicable receipts.
To review transactions in Workday Expense a UWNetid and password are required as well as a Workday profile. We have taken additional security measures to protect what may be considered sensitive information by limiting access to documentation: Attachments (receipts) and comments in the system will only be visible to those authorized on the ER business process: expense data entry specialist (if applicable), approvers, procurement analysts, and you the traveler of course.
Only use Workday Expense if you are reimbursing the traveler. Please be sure to provide proof of payment and commercial lodging facility. If reimbursing property management company contact Real Estate Office.
You may authorize the user to have enhanced accessibility. This role provides two links on the top left corner that help navigation and a scroll on lists rather than pages.
Log onto Astra
Choose Ariba Admin
Select enhanced accessibility under role
Click ok proceed to cart
The status of your expense report is right at your fingertips
This information is accessible for users by accessing their Expenses App in Workday:
From there, click on Expense Reports from the View menu:
Users can view all approved expense reports and then see what the status is.
Payment type will default to your default in Workday HCM.
See the Scanning Policy set forth by UW Records Management for more information
See the Scanning Policy set forth by UW Records Management for more information.
Per Diem no longer in Workday?
- Using the ‘Legacy Per Diem' line item, you will manually calculate the per diem and input into the total amount field.

- Please note the location and dates in the appropriate fields.
- Documentation of the old per diem must be attached to the expense report as a PDF:
- Domestic (contiguous states) can be found at:
- Foreign (including non-contiguous states) can be found at:
- Add a comment indicating this procedure was followed due to the per diems no longer being listed in the Workday system.
- For any questions please email the Travel Services office:
Here are two methods to show how to input different daily rates:
Example: Traveler A went to San Diego from 7/3-7/5 and had two different nightly rates.
- Nightly Rate: 7/3 - $150, 7/4 - $100
- Daily Tax: $25
- Total: $300
1. Itemization > Daily Expenses > Edit
You can change the number of nights to 1 and input the amount into the "Daily Rate". To add the other nights, click on "Add".
2. Additional Lodging Per Diem expense items (click photo to enlarge)
No, averaging room rates are not allowed. If they are under per diem, please create additional room rate itemization expense items. If they are over per diem, please add the Lodging Per Diem Overage itemization expense item and input the per diem exception with documentation.