I want to place an order with Amazon. What is the best way for me to do that?

We do not have a contract with Amazon and we do not want campus buying from Amazon unless we have a contract with them.

Currently the only way to make payments to Amazon is with a procard. Since our goal is to reduce procard spend, we want to discourage campus from using Amazon. 

We have removed the eProcurement flag from the Amazon vendor number and campus won't be able to place any orders or pay invoices to Amazon in Ariba.

Is there a contract for Water Cooler Services?

There is no UW contract for water cooler service, departments are free to use the company of their choice as long as the spend is under the direct buy limit. There are some EH&S rules concerning water though; UW funds can only be used to purchase water for employees if there is no existing water source or if the existing water has been deemed non-potable. If the employees are forming a club and using their personal funds, there are no rules. Also if the water will be put in a lobby for the use of visitors to the UW, then purchasing the water is acceptable.