Is Payment in Advance Allowed?

The University generally may not make payment in advance of performance. Payment in advance for goods or services is generally prohibited by RCW 43.88.160. However, there are certain exceptions for which state law explicitly permits payment in advance and in certain instances, payment may be structured to accommodate a supplier's need for advance payment without violating state law. Examples include: membership, subscriptions, software/software updates, leases and travel.

What policies and regulations is the University of Washington subject to for Purchasing?

  • University Administrative Policy Statements
  • Procurement department policies and procedures
  • RCW (Revised Code of Washington)  Grants UW statutory authorities relating to procurement)
  • WAC (Washington Administrative Code)  Rules and Regulations regarding state agencies
  • SAAM (State Administrative Accounting Manual) The minimum requirements state agencies must meet
  • FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulations)  Applies to federally fu

We are currently using a Prime membership to make purchases for our department, and we want to convert to the UW Business Prime account. What should we do?

First, there is no more reason to sign up for a personal Prime account since one of the benefits of the UW Amazon Business Prime is the same two-day shipping benefits as the personal Prime Account. Amazon Prime was designed to be a personal shopping solution and is not appropriate for conducting UW business.

If we have an existing Amazon Business account already, how do we convert it under the UW Master Account?

If a user has set up a business account they will need to de‐register that account before the can be invited to the main account. If they are the only person on the business account they can do this through the website. However, if they have invited other users to their account Amazon Customer Support will have to help them. Here is the link to the process.

I have already paid for my annual Prime membership, would I get a refund if I set up a new Amazon Business account?

If you have recently purchased a Prime Member for the sole purpose of your departmental purchases (not personal) and have barely started using the free two‐day shipping benefit, then Amazon will provide a prorated refund based on the estimated amount of shipping benefits already used with that Prime account. If you are near the expiration of your Prime membership, we recommend that you let the Prime membership expire and instead of renewing, set up an Amazon Business account. Anyone who is seeking a refund for Prime will need to contact Business Customer Support.

We are currently using a Prime membership to make our purchases for our department, and we want to convert our order history and other account details into our new Business account, what should we do?

Follow the steps in response to Question 2 but also inform us at that you have an existing Prime account and provide the log in email address for that account. When we invite you using that same email address, you have the option of importing all your existing ordering history over to your Business account.