Do I have to add Sales Territories for my company?

Yes. This is a required field. Sales territories tell buyers where your company sells its products or services and the information is used to match potential business opportunities with your products and services.

Click Add Sales Territories to select one or more sales territories from a list.

Sales territories can be added, refined, or removed later, so you can change them later if you make a mistake initially or want to refine your commodity code list.

Do I have to add "Commodities" for my company?

Yes. This is a required field. Commodity codes classify what your company sells and the information is used to match potential business opportunities with your products and services.

Click Add Commodities to select one or more commodity codes from a list. All you need to do, initially, is enter a single commodity code, preferably related to the event you are joining.

Commodity codes can be added, refined, or removed later, so you can change them later if you make a mistake, initially, or want to refine your commodity code list.

I registered on a different customer's Ariba Sourcing site in the past; do I need to register again?

Yes. Although you have registered on another buyer's Ariba Sourcing site in the past, registering on the Ariba Commerce Cloud is required. The registration process only takes a few moments with a simple one page registration. Registering on the Ariba Commerce Cloud gives you access to all your customer relationships with one username and password.

Why am I being asked to register on the Ariba Commerce Cloud?

Registering on the Commerce Cloud provides you a consolidated view of all your customer relationships. With this one profile, you can quickly navigate between all your Ariba Seller Solutions to view business opportunities (Leads), participate in sourcing events (Proposals), participate in contract negotiations (Contracts), and manage orders, catalogs, and invoices (Orders and Invoices). All sellers participating in sourcing events where buyers use the Ariba Sourcing On Demand solution must now register on the Ariba Commerce Cloud.

Since Ariba is hosting our Sourcing events, is there a Sourcing Project retention period after which data is removed from the UW site?

Any projects and information loaded in our site will remain in our site as long as it is active and as long as the University of Washington is n Ariba Customer. Ariba does not remove data after a certain amount of time from our Sourcing Site.

Additional Information

Users can, however, delete projects manually. Ariba Sourcing will not automatically remove any data from our site after any period of time.

What does a supplier need to do to be able to be to participate in Ariba Sourcing RFx events?

Suppliers need to register on the Ariba Commerce Cloud using at:

This site is specifically set up for the University of Washington to conduct RFx events with suppliers using Ariba Sourcing.

Additional Information

After the supplier registers through the link provided, the Administrator for the UW sourcing site (Laurie Hunt) will have to approve the supplier. Once the supplier is approved you will be able to invite the supplier to participate in the RFx event.