What is the process to handle order confirmations or acknowledgements or disagreements on Terms & conditions?

Handling confirmations and disagreements have been addressed in previous questions. Regarding the second part of the question, this is currently not supported in eProcurement and for now they need to continue to use PAS to process orders with these types of requirements.

Comments section: What is the capacity of this section? SLU has a very long order clause for their loading dock and we don

We are researching to find out how many characters a single comment can hold. However, you can add as many comments as you want. So if the first one is not large enough to accommodate all you need, you can add more comments using the Add Comment button. You can also add attachments. So if you have an especially large document requirement, we recommend you add it as a PDF file. You can then use the comment field to include a brief description of the attached document.

Create Non-Catalog Button is also visible to anyone who already was ASTRA Authorized as Non-PO Invoice Preparer. However, even though they can see the button, they cannot create Non-Catalog Orders.

This is working as designed. the create Non-Catalog Button is also visible to anyone who already was ASTRA Authorized as Non-PO Invoice Preparer. However, even though they can see the button, they cannot create Non-Catalog Orders until they are explicitly granted the ASTRA authorization of Non-Catalog Preparer.