The address I need to ship to is not in the system. Can I use comments to specify an address not in the system?

No. Best practice is to use the New button that will allow you to enter a ship to address just for this order. The System will not remember this address. If you want the address to be added permanently, then you need to contact and request that they add the new address.

Can you add a field to allow the user to specify a requested ship method such as overnight, UPS, FedEx, etc?

This would be an enhancement to the system. In addition, it would require that the supplier pre-pay the shipping cost and then add it to the invoice for overnight shipping. Instead of changing the system to support this, recommended best practice is to use Procard instead. We will revisit this in the future.

How do you handle the situation when the supplier rejects an item or an item gets returned and a replacement is shipped against same PO?

For manual orders, an email goes back to end user from supplier. If it is the same part with a different price and OK with the supplier, the user can use same PO and just add comments to the order (EI) that the price is different. If it is a completely different item, then the user should create a new PO. This will only be necessary until the over 10K project supports change and cancel orders.

Non-Catalog Orders allow expedited payment before product/service received for everthing. Is there a way to ensure goods are received before payment occurs?

This is true but these are orders for under 10K. Invoices are paid withing 3-days of receipt. When receiving is enabled, payment will not happen until item is received. Receiving is targeted to be available in late 2013. It is currently in the testing phase and not yet in production. Current plans are to make it available on the EVAL system in August, 2013 for PS to test and learn. Then in September, the plan is to put the code into production, but not enable it until PS is ready to support it.